Dubanský, the indebted owner of a castle, sees the marriage of his daughter Jana with the son of his childhood friend Bernard, now a millionaire, as the only way out of his debts. Without the young people knowing each other, the arranged marriage is against both of their wishes. Dubanský himself marries a swindler who passes herself off as a rich American, and they leave on their honeymoon to the Tatras. In the meantime the enterprising staff let the castle under the title Bílá vrána (The White Crow) to guests of the resort. Jana Dubanská works here as a chambermaid and hires herself out as an attendant to a millionaire who keeps his identity a secret. Filomen Dubanský in the end must sell the castle to an unknown buyer. He also discovers that his wife is a cheat and so is pleased when she is carried off to jail. The congenial millionaire's son André asks daughter Jana's hand in marriage and gives her as a wedding gift the former castle of her father.
majitel zámku Filomen Dubanský
Jana Dubanská, dcera majitele zámku
komorník u Dubanského Jindřich Sháněl
průmyslník dr. André Bernard alias Jiří Belan
Lucie Boučková, choť obchodního rady
Jarmila Boučková, dcera
podvodník Karel Bulan
Marcela Havlíková, Bulanova společnice
agentka Eva Dušková, později pokojská
matka Evy Duškové
kuchař a bývalý hoteliér Petr Konvalinka
bankéř Bursík
bytná Evy
zahradník u Dubanského
host v penzionu
dcera dámy v penzionu
dívka v baru
muž v baru
člen kolaudační komise
ředitel hotelu
novomanžel Richard Moudrý
policejní inspektor
otec Evy Duškové
Bursíkův společník
ředitel baru
číšník v baru
osobní tajemník dr. Bernarda
člen kolaudační komise
Bedřich Šulc (Bílá vrána – opereta), František Ketzek (Bílá vrána – opereta)
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (Svatební pochod)
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Josef Dobeš)
Song Composer Josef Kumok
Writer of Lyrics František KetzekBedřich Šulc
Singer sbor
Song Composer Josef Kumok
Writer of Lyrics František KetzekBedřich Šulc
Singer František Krištof-Veselý
Song Composer Josef Kumok
Writer of Lyrics František KetzekBedřich Šulc
Singer František Krištof-VeselýEva Gérovásbor
Song Composer Josef Kumok
Writer of Lyrics František KetzekBedřich Šulc
Singer Jindřich Plachta [dab]
Song Composer Josef Kumok
Writer of Lyrics František KetzekBedřich Šulc
Singer František Krištof-Veselý
Bílá vrána
Bílá vrána
White Crow
Der weisse Rabe
featuretheatrical distribution
music, comedy, operetta
start of filming 5 June 1938
end of filming 22 June 1938
date of censorship 08/1938
date of censorship 11/1939
withdrawal from distribution 18 May 1945
premiere 9 September 1938 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Juliš /2 týdny/ a Světozor /2 týdny/, Praha)
feature film
112 min
3 200 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
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