Táňa Čepeláková lives happily six years in a girls boarding school among cheerful friends. The young friend of her father's, Rudolf Kolínský, wants to marry her but Táňa stubbornly rejects him. She does not want to return home because she is convinced that her father's second wife is a pernicious step-mother. Curiosity, however, gets the better of her and Táňa decides to enter her parent's service under an assumed name. She goes to a friend of her mother, Mrs. Ebrmanová, who, though she supports Táňa's plan, has secretly made an agreement beforehand with her parents, who would like to bring Táňa to her senses. Táňa takes up employment as the attendant to her step-mother. When she overhears her step-mother arranging a rendezvous with Rudolf, she decides to take action and to come undercover to the designated spot. She is surprised when Rudolf recognises her. Táňa's parents continue to play their game with her and they do not want to acknowledge her, until Mrs. Ebrmanová brings the whole play-acting to a happy end. From a schoolgirl Táňa becomes Rudolf's bride. (According to promotional material issued at the time the film was made.)
Only part of the film has survived.
Táňa Čepeláková
velkoobchodník Ivan Čepelák, Tánin otec
Magda Čepeláková, Tánina nevlastní matka
Rudolf Kolínský
vdova Ebrmanová
majitelka dívčího penzionátu Ubalda Harasová
zahradník a vrátný v penzionátu Vojtěch
členka Žabího bratrstva v penzionátu
členka Žabího bratrstva v penzionátu
členka Žabího bratrstva v penzionátu
Soňa, Tánina přítelkyně
uklízečka v penzionátu
Josef Skružný (Žabec – divadelní hra)
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Josef Dobeš)
Song Composer Josef Dobeš
Writer of Lyrics František Kudrna
Song Composer Josef Dobeš
Writer of Lyrics František Kudrna
Song Composer Josef Dobeš
Writer of Lyrics František Kudrna
A Little Schoolgirl
Der Backfisch
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 21 November 1939
date of censorship 12/1939
end of filming 2 December 1939
withdrawal from distribution 18 May 1945
date of censorship 05/1946 (neschváleno do distribuce)
premiere 22 December 1939 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Letka /2 týdny/ a Máj /2 týdny/, Praha)
feature film
98 min
2 780 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles