Factory owner Hložek is constantly at loggerheads with his son Jiří. Jiří wants to modernise the factory but his father fears new machinery will put some of his workers out of their jobs. The employees themselves are divided into two groups about reports of modernization of the factory. To ensure industrial peace Hložek offers his son money from his late mother's inheritance in return for leaving the factory. Two of Jiří's staunchest opponents in the factory are two old hands - the correspondent and the accountant. In an attempt to corrupt him they slip some money from wages into his pockets. Jiří assumes the money is from his father and so keeps it. Amálka, the young governess of Hložek's daughter, sees him with the money in his hands. Out of love for Jiří she takes the blame on herself when he is accused of theft. This arouses pangs of conscience in the correspondent and the accountant. The accountant even uses his own savings on Amálka's legal defence. In court Amálka and Jiří are found innocent. Years later we see Jiří managing the modernized factory with his wife Amálka.
majitel sklárny Vladislav Hložek
Ing. Jiří Hložek, syn majitele sklárny
Růžena, továrníkova druhá manželka
Hanička, dcera továrníka Hložka
vychovatelka Haničky Amálka
účetní v továrně Mazara
korespondent Málek
učitel Kalina
sklářský mistr Kuzma
Kuzmův syn, školák
dílovedoucí ve sklárnách
státní návladní
předseda senátu
přísedící u soudu
přísedící u soudu
zástupce strojírenské firmy
písařka na stroji
školák Kroutil
úředník ve spořitelně
Antonín Frič (fotograf)
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Jiří Srnka)
Song Composer Jiří Srnka
Writer of Lyrics Čeněk Šlégl
Singer Ladislav Hemmer
Singer dětský sbor
Teď zas my
Teď zas my
Now Us Again
Und jetzt wir
Teď zase my
featuretheatrical distribution
date of censorship 04/1939
date of censorship 05/1940
withdrawal from distribution 18 May 1945
premiere 21 April 1939 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Metro /1 týden/ a Ráj /1 týden/, Praha)
feature film
80 min
2 282 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
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