Milada Dvořáková has in front of her a wedding with her business partner Dub, owner of petrol stations. When she catches him in the arms of his secretary she breaks with him. She founds a competing firm ŽUB (Ženy u benzinu - Women at the Petrol Station) that employs predominantly single women. Dub also takes up the battle of competition. His situation is precarious because drivers are giving their preference to the petrol station staffed with girls. Dub still loves Milada, he desires a reconciliation, but in vain. In the meantime, the girls experience love affairs; they want to preserve their right to fall in love and they conspire against Milada. They throw a ball in her house, and they invite their boyfriends and even Dub. During the entertainment the underhanded factory owner Marič attempts with his companion to burglarize the safe. Dub assists in exposing and catching the thieves. Milada makes peace with him and everyone, boys and girls, prepares themselves for marriage. This marks the end of the independent enterprise of single women.
majitelka firmy ŽUB Milada Dvořáková
majitel benzinových pump Václav Dub
pumpařka Máňa Dostálová
pumpařka Tonča, sestra Máni
revizorka pumpařek Anča Králová
pumpařka Katka Dlouhá
Alžběta, hospodyně u Dvořákové
pumpař Ing. Jiří Hrubeš
sedlák Karel Loukota
revizor a technik pump Franta Kalina
strážník Svoboda
podvodný továrník Marič
spící zákazník Vaněček
úřednice Berta Svobodová
účetní Kovařík
sekretářka Brázdová
soukromý detektiv Sláma
spící prodavač u pumpy
podvodný disponent Horský
policejní inspektor
čtenář v autokaru
cestující v autokaru
právní poradce
svědek nehody
svědkyně nehody
svědek nehody
netrpělivý zákazník
záletník s autem
uchazečka o místo
uchazečka o místo
uchazečka o místo
uchazečka o místo
uchazečka o místo
uchazečka o místo
host na maškarním plese
Vladimír Zika (Ženy u benzinu – román)
Antonín Frič (fotograf)
Josef Dobeš (Zpívej mi, zpívej)
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Josef Dobeš)
Music Composed by Josef Dobeš
Song Composer Josef Dobeš
Ženy u benzinu
Ženy u benzinu
Women at the Petrol Station
Mädel bei der Tankstelle
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 24 July 1939
end of filming 15 August 1939
date of censorship 11/1939
withdrawal from distribution 18 May 1945
premiere 10 November 1939 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Letka /2 týdny/ a Máj /2 týdny/, Praha)
feature film
84 min
2 400 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles