Běla is wrongfully accused by her sister-in-law Kateřina of murdering her child and is convicted. Her case is taken up by a lawyer, Kristýna Bavorová. Běla lived in rented accommodation with Mrs Perná. The latter's son Antonín had secretly loved Běla. Běla makes the acquaintance of the amiable Jan Novák while on an excursion. They had both missed the train and spent the night together in a hotel room. Běla later discovered she was pregnant but was unable to find the man. Běla was at her wits' end and her brother Josef offered to look after her, taking her and the child with him to live in the countryside. Běla's sister-in-law Kateřina suspected her for telling Josef of her secret affair with the adjunct Ptáček. She took her revenge by making Běla do hard manual work. Běla, weakened by the birth, went to do the washing and had to take the baby with her to the river in a basket. In a terrible accident the basket overturned and the child drowned. Kateřina accused Běla of murder. Kristýna proves Běla's innocence and takes her under her wing and they both try to track down Jan. During this period Kristýna's husband Bavor returns from his travels and Běla recognises him as her lover. She lets slip some information about their affair and Kristýna finds out the truth. In his wretchedness, Bavor attempts suicide. Běla forgives him and leaves with Antonín who has asked her to be his wife.
Běla Olivová
Josef Oliva, Bělin bratr
Ing. Jan Bavor alias Jan Novák
Kateřina, Olivova žena
JUDr. Kristýna Bavorová
Antonín Perný
Perného matka
lesní adjunkt Emanuel Ptáček
předseda soudu
hostinský a hodinář
předseda senátu
soudní zřízenec
soudní zřízenec
státní zástupce
František, Perného přítel
faktor v tiskárně
dělnice v tiskárně
přísedící soudu
rozvádějící se žena
rozvádějící se muž
Milka, služka u JUDr. Bavorové
dělnice v tiskárně
dělnice v tiskárně
polír na stavbě
člen poroty
člen poroty
členka poroty
zpěvák ve vlaku
zpěvák ve vlaku
zpěváci ve vlaku
hlas kolportéra
Marie Doležalová (Kdo jsi bez viny – román)
Antonín Frič (fotograf)
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Josef Stelibský)
Song Composer Josef Stelibský
Writer of Lyrics Karel Melíšek
Singer SetleřiOldřich Kovář
Singer dětský sbor
Eighteen Years Old
Die Achtzehnjährige
Zpověď osmnáctileté
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 1 March 1939
end of filming 15 March 1939
date of censorship 04/1939
date of censorship 05/1940
withdrawal from distribution 18 May 1945
date of censorship 11/1945 (konec povolení k promítání 21. 5. 1947)
withdrawal from distribution 29 May 1947
premiere 21 April 1939 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Amerika /1 týden/, Máj /1 týden/ a Praha /1 týden/, Praha)
renewed premiere 23 December 1945 /inaccessible for youths/
Nationalfilm (původní 1939), Státní půjčovna filmů (obnovená 1945)
feature film
68 min
1 950 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
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