This tragicomedy from 1939, directed by Martin Frič, is among the most popular Czech films of all time. The reason behind this is the intriguing protagonist – Alois Novák, the seemingly banal married office clerk. Novák works in a travel agency, but once a month he spends an evening in the luxurious Orient Bar playing the seducer Kristian, always to disappear for ever at the key moment when his enticed female prey is about to fall for his charms. Alois/Kristian has become an integral part of Czech popculture and one iconic depiction of the country’s national character. The film was inspired by a play from 1936 by French author Yvan Noé – in the Czech staging of this play, the part of the beauty who refuses to be left behind by Kristian is played by Nataša Gollová. In Frič’s outstanding film, on the other hand, Gollová is given the part of Mařenka, the principal character’s diffident wife. The mondaine but somewhat embittered Zuzana is performed by Adina Mandlová, while an ideal rendering of Alois/Kristian is given by Oldřich Nový.
Alois Novák, a minor clerk in a travel agency, lives a run-of-the-mill, dull life in an arranged marriage. In his soul, however, there resides an inextinguishable desire for adventure. And so once a month he poses as a playboy. As the mysterious and wealthy Mr. Kristian he goes to the exclusive Orient Bar where he does not skimp on generous tips and where he platonically seduces beautiful and elegant women. In the salon he speaks of love and the magnificence of exotic lands, which he has supposedly come to know on his wanderings abroad. In reality he has read all of this in the travel agency's brochures. The women succumb to the enchantment of his velvety voice and on his request obediently close their eyes. Kristian then hurriedly and alone leaves the bar, that after another month he may repeat his game with another woman. He leads this double life till the time he meets the intelligent Zuzana in the bar. Zuzana scrutinizes his dealings and returns Kristian to his real life at the side of his faithful wife Mařenka, who under the direction of her aunt has been transformed into an elegant, modern woman.
The title of the film in the original version is Kristian. On post-war non-original opening titles, in the descripitons of the film at the time, on the posters and in other written literature the tittle is given as Kristián. The appartment was furnished by the United UP Company.
úředník Alois Novák alias pan Kristian
Mařenka, Novákova žena
závodník Fred
Petr, Fredův přítel
Zuzana Rendlová, Fredova snoubenka
Josef Nový, úředník cestovní kanceláře Světovid
Mařenčina tetička
Král, ředitel cestovní kanceláře Světovid
elegán s kapesníčkem
ředitel Orient baru
Robert, vrchní v Orient baru
barman v Orient baru
Lída, šatnářka v Orient baru
vrátný v Orient baru
mixérka v Orient baru
číšník v Orient baru
číšník v Orient baru
číšník v Orient baru
číšník v Orient baru
číšník v Orient baru
host v Orient baru
host v Orient baru
host v Orient baru
host v Orient baru
host v Orient baru
sekretářka ředitele Krále
advokát JUDr. Dvořáček
bankéř Votický
lékař bankéře Votického
zákazník v cestovní kanceláři Světovid
novomanžel, zákazník v cestovní kanceláři Světovid
novomanželka Miluška, zákaznice v cestovní kanceláři Světovid
závozník s minerálkou
dirigent a zpěvák v Orient baru
orchestr v Orient baru
Yvan Noé (Kristian /Christian/ – divadelní hra)
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Sláva Eman Nováček), Orchestr R. A. Dvorského (Music Conducted by R. A. Dvorský)
Song Composer Sláva Eman Nováček
Writer of Lyrics Josef Gruss
Singer Oldřich Nový
Song Composer Sláva Eman Nováček
Writer of Lyrics Josef Gruss
Singer R. A. Dvorský
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 2 May 1939
end of filming 25 May 1939
date of censorship 08/1939
date of censorship 22 May 1940
date of censorship 1943 (predikát „uznáníhodný film“)
date of censorship 2 January 1945 (predikát „uznáníhodný film“ /16mm verze/)
withdrawal from distribution 18 May 1945
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1991
premiere 8 September 1939 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Lucerna /5 týdnů/, Praha)
renewed premiere 01/1945 /inaccessible for youths/ (16mm verze)
renewed premiere 15 January 1954
renewed premiere 25 April 2024 /suitable for all ages without limit/
AB (původní 1939), ČMÚ (obnovená 1945 /16mm verze/), Rozdělovna filmů Československého státního filmu (obnovená 1954), Národní filmový archiv (obnovená 2024)
feature film
100 min
2 746 meters
16mm, 35mm, DCP 2-D, MP4, BRD
black & white
Tobis – Klang
Czech, French
without subtitles
Event: Anketa deníku Večer – O nejlepší český film roku 1939 a o nejoblíbenější českou filmovou herečku a herce
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Oldřich Nový
Event: Anketa deníku Večer – O nejlepší český film roku 1939 a o nejoblíbenější českou filmovou herečku a herce
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Event: Anketa deníku Večer – O nejlepší český film roku 1939 a o nejoblíbenější českou filmovou herečku a herce
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Event: Ceny ministra průmyslu, obchodu a živností
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Adina Mandlová
Event: Ceny ministra průmyslu, obchodu a živností
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Martin Frič