Šnajdr's itinerant theatre ensemble comes to Bláhov where they also attempt to find some luck. The actors disperse through the town and try to get the local dignitaries to come to their performance. The theatre's servant, Jozífek, discovers the most grateful visitor in the young girl Emilka who longs to became an actress. Jozífek promises her a small role. In the evening a drama is staged, but the actors are such amateurs that there is no dearth of comic situations. During the play, however, a scandal takes place and the burgomaster banishes the ensemble from the town. Emilka decides at once to secretly leave home and run off with the acting troupe. Though the director's wife does not want Emilka to act, the young girl does not let herself get discouraged by the first obstacles. Jozífek takes her under his wing and she helps him with everything that he must do. Everyone likes her, only the young actor Melichar kids her. He soon becomes crest-fallen and the couple fall in love with each other. At one stop the director disappears with his wife. Threatened with ruin by this the ensemble breaks up. Emilka, however, takes everything into her own hands and saves the theatre.
divadelní ředitel Richard Šnajdr
Hermína, Šnajdrova žena
herec Melichar
herec Kalina
herec Volný
herec Palička
herečka Lásková
cedulář Jozífek
majitelka krejčovství Agáta Kudějová
Emilka, neteř Kudějové
purkmistr v Bláhově Vencl Dlabolka
Harpyje, Dlabolkova žena
starý herec Purkrábek
vůdce loupežníků Černý Petr
nápověda Mikolášek
dcera purkmistra Dlabolky
sklepník Datlík
podomek Vojta
velitel městské stráže
poštovní posel
hostinský v Postrachově
podomek v hospodě
stráž městské brány
Antonín Frič (fotograf)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Figarova svatba)
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Jiří Fiala)
Song Composer Jiří Fiala
Writer of Lyrics Karel Steklý
Singer Adina Mandlovásbor
Song Composer Jiří Fiala
Writer of Lyrics Karel Steklý
Singer Ferenc Futuristasbor
Writer of Lyrics Josef Kajetán Tyl
Singer Bedřich Veverka
Song Composer Jiří Fiala
Writer of Lyrics Karel Steklý
Singer František FilipovskýAdina Mandlová
Song Composer Jiří Fiala
Writer of Lyrics Karel Steklý
Singer Adina Mandlová
Hvězda z poslední štace
Hvězda z poslední štace
The Star from the Back of Beyond
Der Stern vom letzten Städtchen
Děvče z poslední štace
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 15 February 1939
date of censorship 03/1939
end of filming 3 March 1939
date of censorship 05/1940
date of censorship 02/1941
withdrawal from distribution 18 May 1945
premiere 7 April 1939 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Máj /2 týdny/ a Ráj /1 týden/, Praha)
feature film
100 min
2 850 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles