In 1939 Nataša Gollová was just 27 years-old – but had managed to take the lead role in no less than seven feature films. Gollová’s charm is on full display in this unforgettable screwball comedy from director Martin Frič. Adapted from the light-hearted 1934 novel Patsy tropí hlouposti (Patsy Fools Around) by Fan Vavřincová, the film adaptation is the sole screenplay from Vladimír Peroutka. The film’s strong qualities mean it stands up to the best of the Hollywood screwball comedies being made around this time. Eva is a spontaneous and inventive young woman, who decides to bring some joy to her beloved aunt Pa (Zdeňka Baldová). While trying to find Pa a guide to cultivating a Záhorský (blue) rose, the zany Eva sneaks in to the home of her aunt’s neighbour posing as a secretary. In all the confusion, Eva also manages to fall in love, and complicate the life of her brother Michal (Oldřich Nový), who has himself fallen for the neighbour’s daughter Eliška.
After many years abroad Michal Nor returns home to his aunt Pa and his sister Eva, who has just arrived from boarding school. The aunt has a birthday coming up and Eva knows that she would really like instructions for growing a variety of rose that her neighbour, factory owner Záhorský, has cultivated. But the aunt is not on good terms with the neighbours and so the vivacious Eva, with her mind set on stealing the instructions, infiltrates the Záhorský's as a secretary. In the house she by chance comes face to face with Michal who is posing as an English earl to save Záhorský's daughter Eliška from an unwanted engagement with the clumsy Zdeněk. The home is under the strong hand of Mrs. Záhorský, who has on her conscience one improper deed: she refused to return a friend her bracelet that her friend had left with her for a time as collateral on a loan. For this reason Jiří Kučera, the son of this woman, is also working at the Záhorský's, trying to regain the family jewel. So there is a great deal of confusion in the house, but eventually everything is cleared up. In the end Mr. Záhorský intervenes resolutely. He compels his wife to return the jewel, Michal gets gets Eliška, Eva wins Jiří's heart and aunt Pa now has the instructions on how to grow the Záhorský's rose.
Eva Norová alias Eva Norbertová
Michal Nor alias hrabě Johny Camel, Evin bratr
Pavlína Norová, zvaná teta Pa
Klotylda, služka u Norů
továrník Tomáš Záhorský
Emilie, Záhorského žena
Eliška, Záhorských dcera
Zdeněk Kolář, Eliščin ctitel
dr. Jiří Novotný alias tajemník Jiří Kučera
sluha u Záhorských Jan
Fan Vavřincová (Patsy tropí hlouposti – román)
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Georges Bizet (Carmen (Toreadore smělý))
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Kamil Běhounek), Orchestr R. A. Dvorského (Music Conducted by R. A. Dvorský)
Song Composer Kamil Běhounek
Song Composer Kamil Běhounek
Song Composer Jiří Traxler
Song Composer Jiří Traxler
Singer Oldřich Nový
Eva tropí hlouposti
Eva tropí hlouposti
Eva Fools Around
Eva macht Dummheiten
featuretheatrical distribution
comedy, screwball comedy
start of filming 25 August 1939
end of filming 09/1939
date of censorship 10/1939
date of censorship 28 June 1943 (predikát „uznáníhodný film“)
withdrawal from distribution 18 May 1945
date of censorship 2 July 1945 (konec povolení k promítání 2. 7. 1946)
withdrawal from distribution 1947
withdrawal from distribution 1955
withdrawal from distribution 1 September 1993
premiere 10 November 1939 /suitable for youths/ (kino Lucerna /3½ týdne/, Praha)
renewed premiere 14 July 1945 /suitable for youths/
renewed premiere 23 July 1954 /suitable for youths/
renewed premiere 1967 /suitable for youths/
AB (původní 1939), Státní půjčovna filmů (obnovená 1945), Rozdělovna filmů Československého státního filmu (obnovená 1954), Ústřední půjčovna filmů (obnovená 1967)
feature film
90 min
2 580 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
Event: Televizní anketa diváků o nejpopulárnější českou filmovou komedii století – anketa České televize a Týdeníku Televize Volíme veselohru století
Praha / Czech Republic
Event: Anketa deníku Večer – O nejlepší český film roku 1939 a o nejoblíbenější českou filmovou herečku a herce
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Event: Anketa deníku Večer – O nejlepší český film roku 1939 a o nejoblíbenější českou filmovou herečku a herce
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Zdeňka Baldová
Event: Anketa deníku Večer – O nejlepší český film roku 1939 a o nejoblíbenější českou filmovou herečku a herce
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Event: Anketa deníku Večer – O nejlepší český film roku 1939 a o nejoblíbenější českou filmovou herečku a herce
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Nataša Gollová
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