The wealthy factory owner Osten has worked his way up to his position through energy and hard work. But he has one failing, and that is that he cannot accept the fact that he, too, must get old. He is furthermore horrified by the idea that he might become a grandfather. He will do anything to stop this from happening, even act as a rival in his son's love. One day Jiří has had enough of his father's behaviour and decides to leave home and his comfortable life behind. He even changes his name and enters a rival factory as a manual worker to prove to his father that he can work his way up from scratch as well. Then Jiří meets the energetic dressmaker Tonička, who studies in the evenings so she can get a job as a clerk. The young couple are happy together, but then Osten steps in once again. He offers Tonička a job as secretary and is even prepared to woo and win her for himself. Before father and son come to blows, Tonička tells the fuming Jiří that she is expecting. Osten then accepts his new role with resignation.
továrník Richard Osten
Jiří, Ostenův syn, později Ostrovský
Ferdinand, Ostenův sluha
opilec Kalina
Marie, Kalinova žena
Tonička, dcera Kalinových
obchodník Božetěch Kokoška
Aťa, Kokoškova žena
Emča Jánská, snoubenka Jiřího Oste
personální ředitel strojírny Dr. Ing. Karel Chmel
generální ředitel strojíren Brázda
Ostenova sekretářka
přítelkyně Richarda Ostena
mistrová v módním závodě
Mařenka, panská u Ostenů
předseda správní komise
člen správní komise
člen správní komise
mistr ve slévárně Václav
závodní inženýr
člen ředitelské rady
člen ředitelské rady
host v hospodě
host v hospodě
slečna se psem
host na večírku
František Zavřel (Dědečkem proti své vůli – divadelní hra)
Antonín Frič (fotograf)
Orchestr Joe Venclů, Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Roman Blahník)
Song Composer Roman Blahník
Writer of Lyrics Karel Melíšek
Singer mužské trio
Song Composer Roman Blahník
Writer of Lyrics Karel Melíšek
Singer mužský hlas
Dědečkem proti své vůli
Dědečkem proti své vůli
The Reluctant Grandfather
Grossvater wider Willen
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 31 May 1939
end of filming 13 June 1939
date of censorship 07/1939
date of censorship 05/1940
date of censorship 30 June 1944 (bez predikátu /16mm verze/)
withdrawal from distribution 18 May 1945
date of censorship 19 October 1945 (neschváleno do distribuce)
premiere 4 August 1939 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Amerika /2 týdny/, Máj /3 týdny/ a Světozor /2 týdny/, Praha)
renewed premiere 07/1944 /inaccessible for youths/ (16mm verze)
Slavia-film (původní 1939), ČMÚ (obnovená 1944 /16mm verze/)
feature film
104 min
2 955 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
Tobis – Klang
Czech, German
without subtitles
Event: Anketa deníku Večer – O nejlepší český film roku 1939 a o nejoblíbenější českou filmovou herečku a herce
Praha / Czechoslovakia