The year 1880. Ríša, a student of law, neglects his studies in favour of parties and pranks. His angry father refuses to continue helping him out of his debts. Ríša, however, is not entirely beyond hope. He decides to go and stay for a while with his uncle, a priest, who lives in Moravia, in order to prepare for his exams. He meets Helenka, the timid daughter of the local gamekeeper, at a village ball and is enchanted by her. She is completely unlike any other woman he has met. Their acquaintance is transformed into a great passion. The days pass and their idyllic relationship begins to tire Ríša. Out of some kind of malicious joy, he begins to tell Helenka about his former debauched life the about the broken hearts of beautiful women. Although these are figments of his imagination, Helenka is hurt and refuses to see Ríša anymore. His uncle, the priest, is incensed at his behaviour and orders his nephew out of the house. Ríša tries desperately to find Helenka so he can make it up to her. Just before his train is about to leave for Prague, Helenka forgives him.
This theme had already been treated in a Czech film under the same title (1926; directed by Karel Anton).
revírník, Helenčin otec
Helenina teta Marta
student práv Ríša Gregor
hostinský Gregor, Ríšův otec
Ríšova matka
farář, Ríšův strýc
Ríšova bytná paní Křížová
manžel paní Křížové
Helenčina přítelkyně Cilka
Cilčina matka
služka na faře Kačka
číšnice u Pinkasů zvaná Kudrnáček
vrchní číšník Melichárek
hajný Voříšek
stařík bylinkář
pan řídící
host na faře/soused
student Pechát
číšník v hospodě
host na plese
Vilém Mrštík (Pohádka máje – román)
Karel Hájek (fotograf), Willy Ströminger (fotograf), F. X. Mlejnek
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Jiří Srnka)
Singer sbor
Singer mužský hlas
Singer dívčí sbor
Pohádka máje
Pohádka máje
May Fairy Tale
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 05/1940
end of filming 07/1940
date of censorship 24 October 1940 (kulturně-výchovný)
date of censorship 1943 (predikáty „umělecky zvlášť hodnotný film“, „lidově hodnotný film“ a „film pro Den hrdinů“)
date of censorship 16 February 1945 (predikáty „umělecky zvlášť hodnotný film“, „lidově hodnotný film“ a „film pro Den hrdinů“ /16mm verze/)
withdrawal from distribution 18 May 1945
date of censorship 07/1945 (konec povolení k promítání 31. 12. 1948)
projection approval 15 November 1957
withdrawal from distribution 1974
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1991
premiere 25 October 1940 /suitable for youths/ (kina Adrie /2 týdny/ a Lucerna /3 týdny/, Praha)
renewed premiere 02/1945 /suitable for youths/ (16mm verze)
renewed premiere 25 August 1945 /suitable for youths/
renewed premiere 01/1951
renewed premiere 1 May 1958 /suitable for youths/
renewed premiere 1982
Elekta (původní 1940), ČMÚ (obnovená 1945 /16mm verze/), Státní půjčovna filmů (obnovená 1945), Rozdělovna filmů Československého státního filmu (obnovená 1951), Ústřední půjčovna filmů (obnovená 1958 a 1982)
feature film
88 min
2 600 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
Czech, German
Event: Stuhy časopisu Český filmový zpravodaj
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Otakar Vávra
Event: Národní ceny za umění filmové
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Nataša Gollová
Event: Národní ceny za umění filmové
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Otakar Vávra
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