Two young men, a composer and writer, decide to find them a wife. They put in a classified advertisement and the first chooses a philosopher, the second a journalist. Both couples get on very well with each other and they all decide to organise a joint wedding and subsequently move in together. At first things go satisfactorily but soon the women begin to find fault with each other which also causes rifts between their partners. When the two men stop working together - one writing music, the other writing lyrics - they all find themselves in financial crisis. They are visited by the owner of a duck farm who had previously negotiated with them to write a hit for his firm. When he discovers that the men no longer work together, he finds someone else to accept the commission. It is thanks to this event that the two men, friends for many years, realise that they had been petty and that they're better off settling their differences in order to be able to work together once more.
skladatel Láďa Kristen
spisovatel Jiří Kavalír
Slávinka Salavová zvaná Inka
věštkyně de Thébes, vlastním jménem Kamila Krupičková
studentka filozofie Máša Hálová
Amálie Sýkorová, Mášina teta
tanečnice Sylva Flori
majitel kachní farmy Spytihněv Donát
hodinář F. V. Milerád
řídící v. v. Amos Salava
filmový ředitel Gustav Danner
filmový režisér Mojmír Slavík
barytonista Tino Armandy
zázračné dítě Joe Hylton
šachista mistr J. N. Vyskočil
kameraman Jan Červený
filmová herečka
vrchní v Hvězdě
vrchní v Šach-mat baru
číšník v Šach-mat baru
účetní pohřebního ústavu Ferdinand Rabas
Armandyho tajemník
člen pěveckého kvarteta
filmový herec
zvukař v ateliéru
černá dáma v baru
pokladní v novinách
sólový tanečník
Antonín Frič (fotograf)
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Miloš Smatek), Orchestr Karla Vlacha (Music Conducted by Karel Vlach), Pěvecký sbor Domovina (Music Conducted by Augustýn Vondřich), Kamil Běhounek /akordeon/
Song Composer Kamil Běhounek
Writer of Lyrics Karel Kozel
Singer Eva Vrchlická ml. [dab]Zdena Vincíková
Song Composer Kamil Běhounek
Writer of Lyrics Karel Kozel
Singer Eva Vrchlická ml. [dab]Zdena Vincíková
Song Composer Miloš Smatek
Writer of Lyrics Felix de la Cámara
Singer Pěvecký sbor Domovina
Song Composer Kamil Běhounek
Writer of Lyrics Karel Kozel
Singer Zdena VincíkováSetleři
Song Composer Miloš Smatek
Writer of Lyrics Karel Baroch
Singer Géza Fišer-Dubský [dab]Karel Leiss
Song Composer Miloš Smatek
Song Composer Miloš Smatek
Song Composer Kamil Běhounek
Okénko do nebe
Okénko do nebe
Window to Heaven
Das Himmelsfensterchen
featuretheatrical distribution
music, comedy
start of filming 28 March 1940
end of filming 04/1940
date of censorship 17 April 1940 (kulturně-výchovný)
date of censorship 1943 (predikát „uznáníhodný film“)
withdrawal from distribution 18 May 1945
date of censorship po 06/1945 (konec povolení k promítání 1946)
withdrawal from distribution 01/1946
premiere 19 April 1940 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Adrie /2 týdny/, Hvězda /2 týdny/ a Juliš /2 týdny/, Praha)
renewed premiere po 06/1945 /inaccessible for youths/
Stella (původní 1940), Státní půjčovna filmů (obnovená 1945)
feature film
96 min
2 723 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
Czech, German
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