The soubrette Lucy is not cast for the main role in a "An Intimate Operetta", as she had hoped. She takes offence and decides to go back to her husband, Associate Professor Blahomrav Ducánek whom she had abandoned seven years before to be with her lover. Ducánek had come to terms with this a long time before and now only lives for his scientific work. He is trying to retrain a carnivorous plant to be a vegetarian. His work is a great success and so he invites his friend Potužník, a botanist and confirmed bachelor, to dinner. Lucy, who has burst in on Ducánek's quiet lifestyle, might cause a rift between the old friends so he decides to seek out her former lover, baron Studený, hoping that the latter will take her away with him. He has no idea that the banker Merhaut, a widower who has fallen in love with the soubrette, has been trying to find his wife. Even though Ducánek turns every situation into chaos, everything turns out well in the end. Merhaut asks for his wife's hand and Ducánek gleefully agrees to the marriage.
The first performance of the film was held on the 29th of July 1941 on festival Filmové žně in Zlín.
soukromý docent botaniky Blahomrav Ducánek
operetní hvězda Marion, žena rady Vavřína
operetní diva Lucy, Ducánkova žena
generální ředitel Kamil Merhaut
Dagmar, Merhautova dcera
baron Hypolit Studený, nápadník Dagmary
dirigent Intimní operety Jarka Aleš
ředitel Intimní operety
profesor Potužník, vědec
Veronika Pospíšilová, hospodyně u Ducánků
komorná u Merhautů Marta
vrátný Havrda
Ducánkův soused
krejčí Zmatlík
garderobiérka Berta
poslíček z květinářství
asistent profesora Potužníka
policejní inspektor
řidič ředitele Merhauta
operetní herec
Jindřich Hořejší (Provdám svou ženu – divadelní hra), Julius Lébl (Provdám svou ženu – divadelní hra)
Jan Wenig (jazykový poradce)
Antonín Frič (fotograf)
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Josef Stelibský)
Song Composer Josef Stelibský
Writer of Lyrics Jaroslav MottlKarel Melíšek
Singer Zita KabátováJana Romanová [dab]Slávka ProcházkováBohuslav KupšovskýVladimír Salač [dab]sbor
Song Composer Josef Stelibský
Writer of Lyrics Jaroslav MottlKarel Melíšek
Singer Jiří Vondrovič [dab]Oldřich Kovář
Provdám svou ženu
Provdám svou ženu
I'll Give My Wife in Marriage
Ich verheirate meine Frau
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 19 April 1941
end of filming 05/1941
date of censorship 8 July 1941 (kulturně-výchovný)
date of censorship 1943 (predikát „uznáníhodný film“)
withdrawal from distribution 18 May 1945
festival premiere 29 July 1941 (2. Filmové žně 1941 Zlín)
premiere 8 August 1941 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Adrie /3 týdny/ a Blaník /3 týdny/, Praha)
feature film
86 min
2 458 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
Czech, German
Festival: 2. Filmové žně 1941 Zlín
Zlín / Czechoslovakia
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