In 1941, actor Vlasta Burian added to his filmography with this comedy about infamous free-riding passenger Ťopka, who ends up having to change his identity in order to avoid being caught. Ťopka dresses himself up as the stern head of his local village train station, hoping to fool the railways general inspector Kokrhel (Jaroslav Marvan). Among his farcical exploits, Ťopka tries to help the inspector’s charming wife Julia (Zita Kabátová) to escape the amorous advances of infatuated landlord Pěnkava. Burian also sings the film’s title song – the actor, and later also director at the Divadlo Vlasty Buriana theatre, began to take big screen roles after 1933. The much-loved Přednosta stanice (Station Master) is the last film from the varied career of director Jan Sviták. In May 1945, under mysterious circumstances, he was lynched by a mob of fanatical patriots.
Ťopka, the distinctive sandwich-board man, is able to apply himself to any situation. The truck in which he sleeps is one day coupled to a train which takes Kokrhel, the general inspector of the railways, on an inspection tour of the area. The discovery of a stowaway causes an unplanned stop at the station in Mokré nad Soupravou. Ťopka runs away and Kokrhel orders that he be found and punished. The local station master Jelen is unfortunately absent, having left for a choir rehearsal. The charming Mrs Jelen therefore warmly welcomes Ťopka as he appears in her husband's uniform and passes himself off as the station master. Kokrhel is extremely taken with the young woman and, in the light of her smile, he wholly overlooks the station master's total incompetence. He decides to fulfil Jelen's request for a transfer nearer the capital. When the real station master shows up, Kokrhel starts behaving in an unpleasantly businesslike fashion. Ťopka reminds him, however, that in flirting with the young lady, he had forgotten his duties and now he must carry out his promise.
černý pasažér Karel Ťopka
přednosta stanice Anatol Jelen
Julie Jelenová, přednostova žena
generální inspektor drah Jiří Kokrhel
statkář Arnošt Pěnkava
Olga Pěnkavová, statkářova žena
skladník na nádraží Venda Pivoda
restauratér Hejhal
Pepička, služka v restauraci u Hejhala
kuchařka Růženka, Pivodova snoubenka
tlustý strážník
revizor-kontrolor Šajn
vlakvedoucí Kanár
městský zřízenec
posunovač Franta
Karel, řidič u Pěnkavy
žena s buchtami v okně
zpěvák s plnovousem
zpěvák s knírem
tlustý zpěvák
zpěvák bez knírku
vysoký zpěvák s licousy
kluk na kole pod chůdami
Nicolas Nancey (Přednosta stanice /Il est cocu, le chef de gare/ – divadelní hra), André Mouëzy-Éon (Přednosta stanice /Il est cocu, le chef de gare/ – divadelní hra)
Otakar Sedláček, Ladislav Brom (ředitel výroby)
vrchní rada Zdeněk Martínek (železnice), Miroslav Haller (jazykový poradce)
Antonín Frič (fotograf)
Giuseppe Verdi (Rigoletto)
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Jára Beneš), Dechový orchestr Václava Thiera (Music Conducted by Josef Dobeš), Jára Beneš /telegrafní klíč/
Song Composer Jára Beneš
Writer of Lyrics Ladislav Brom
Singer Vlasta Burian
Song Composer Jára Beneš
Writer of Lyrics Ladislav Brom
Singer Karel Veverka [dab]Dalibor Pták [dab]Vojta Merten [dab]Alois Dvorský [dab]F. X. Mlejnek [dab]Václav Švec [dab]mužský sbor
Přednosta stanice
Přednosta stanice
Station Master
Der Stationsvorstand
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 20 February 1941
end of filming 03/1941
date of censorship 7 April 1941 (kulturně-výchovný)
date of censorship 1943 (predikát „uznáníhodný film“)
withdrawal from distribution 18 May 1945
premiere 12 April 1941 /suitable for youths/ (kina Blaník /3 týdny/ a Lucerna /3 týdny/, Praha)
feature film
88 min
2 610 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
Czech, German
Event: Televizní anketa diváků o nejpopulárnější českou filmovou komedii století – anketa České televize a Týdeníku Televize Volíme veselohru století
Praha / Czech Republic
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