The orphan Vojta works as a horseherd for farmer Potužák. The wild young man is hard-working but unruly. He is fond of poaching animals on the lords' estates, in the forests and lakes which he sells to middlemen. Potužák's sixteen-year-old daughter Apolenka is in love with him, as he is with her, although he is unconscious of the fact. Her timid brother Václav admires Vojta while Vojta despises him. Apolenka is attacked in the forest by the drunk Martinák. Vojta stuns him with a rod and runs off with Apolenka. Unfortunately the man comes to just as Václav is walking past him and the latter is blamed for the attack. Václav is arrested. Apolenka wants Vojta to tell what really happened; although he says nothing, Václav is still released shortly afterwards. Vojta begins to feel pangs of guilt and starts behaving more kindly to Václav. He now even finds killing animals distasteful. When he lets a deer free from its trap, the poacher Karhoun stabs him with a knife. Vojta, seriously wounded, is saved by granny Potužák and her great healing potions. The young man now has to serve in the army but Potužák promises him that, if he acquires a good position in the future, he will be able to have Apolenka as his wife.
The film was presented already as Christmas 1943 in České Budějovice, Louny, Pardubice, Ostrava, Kladno and Beroun.
sedlák Josef Potužák
manželka Potužáka
Václav, syn Potužákových
Apolenka, dcera Potužákových
zbudovská babička
čeledín Vojta
myslivec Radonický
sedlák z Pašic Jakub Krušný
manželka Jakuba Krušného
Jakub, syn Krušných
Anča, dcera Krušných
panský pěšák Martinák
pytlák Karhoun
vyšetřující soudce
košíkář Pavlíček
panský správce
soudní úředník Novák
pacholek u Potužáků Tomeš
krejčí Mejstřík
mladý sedlák u zbudovské babičky
hospodyně u zbudovské babičky
Ferda, druhý syn Krušného
soudní úředník
kočí u panského správce
Karel Klostermann (Mlhy na Blatech – román)
Ferdinand Pečenka, Bruno Stephan, J. V. Staněk (přírodní záběry)
Karel Šilhánek, Vilém Brož (ředitel výroby)
Jan Wenig (jazykový poradce)
Antonín Frič (fotograf)
Orchestr Pragfilmu (Music Conducted by Václav SmetáčekJindřich Bubeníček)
Song Composer Jiří Srnka
Mlhy na Blatech
Mlhy na Blatech
Mist in the Moorland
Nebel über dem Moor
Milenec tůní / Láska a vášeň
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 07/1943
end of filming 11/1943
date of censorship 15 December 1943 (predikáty „umělecky zvlášť hodnotný film“, „lidově hodnotný film“ a „film pro Den hrdinů“)
date of censorship 2 January 1945 (predikáty „umělecky zvlášť hodnotný film“, „lidově hodnotný film“ /16mm verze/)
withdrawal from distribution 18 May 1945
date of censorship 19 June 1945 (konec povolení k promítání 19. 6. 1946)
date of censorship 11 June 1946 (konec povolení k promítání 31. 12. 1946)
withdrawal from distribution 17 June 1947
withdrawal from distribution 31 August 1976
preview 25 December 1943 (České Budějovice, Louny, Pardubice, Ostrava, Kladno a Beroun)
premiere 14 January 1944 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Kapitol /3 týdny/, Lucerna /3 týdny/ a Phönix /3 týdny/, Praha)
renewed premiere 01/1945 /inaccessible for youths/ (16mm verze)
renewed premiere 21 July 1945 /inaccessible for youths/
Lucernafilm (původní 1943), ČMÚ (obnovená 1945 /16mm verze/), Státní půjčovna filmů (obnovená 1945)
feature film
94 min
2 668 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
Czech, German