The wife of cottager Marek has an illegitimate son, Jaroslav, with landowner Navrátil, who has no interest in the boy. Marek reproaches his wife for her misbehaviour even after many years, avoids working, and drinks away their money. Jaroslav is a good boy and his mother is a great support. He likes Liduška, who lives alone with her father, the ferryman Král. Her mother has long ago abandoned them. Marek makes friends with the vagabond Doubek, who usually comes to the village each summer for seasonal farm work. Doubek takes a fancy to Liduška, and the romantic adolescent girl is not indifferent to him. Jaroslav is jealous of Doubek and on account of him he quarrels with Liduška. Mrs. Králová comes from Prague, but she leaves at once without having met with her daughter. Marek needs money for his lover, the innkeeper Marie, and together with Doubek he burglarizes Navrátil's safe. Doubek is soon arrested after the theft and Marek drowns in fleeing from the police. Navrátil, whose marriage has remained childless, would like to redress his long years of indifference toward his son by offering Mrs. Marková and Jaroslav money. Both, however, proudly refuse it. Liduška makes up with Jaroslav.
Filming took place in four parts, exteriors in August and September 1942, then in August 1943, studio shots from 2 to 25 October 1942 and from 20 June to 21 July 1943.
chalupník Josef Marek
Anežka, Markova žena
kovářský učeň Jaroslav, syn Markových
statkář Navrátil, Jaroslavův pravý otec
Marie, Navrátilova žena
převozník Václav Král
Ludmila, Králova bývalá žena
Liduška, dcera Králových
tulák František Doubek
četnický strážmistr Hora
hajný František Mařinec
učitel Kolátor
šenkýřka Marie Novotná
velebný pán
četnický strážmistr
kovář Josef Jíra
pes Cikán
Emil Poledník (ateliéry), Stanislav Vondraš (exteriéry)
Otakar Sedláček, Karel Feix (ředitel výroby)
Adolf Wenig (umělecký poradce), Miroslav Rutte (jazykový poradce)
Antonín Frič (fotograf)
Orchestr Pragfilmu (Music Conducted by Václav Smetáček)
Singer Kühnův dětský sbor
Singer Josef Gruss
Singer Josef Gruss
Žíznivé mládí
Žíznivé mládí
Thirsty Youth
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 08/1942
end of filming 08/1943
date of censorship 8 October 1943 (predikáty „uznáníhodný film“ a „film pro Den hrdinů“)
withdrawal from distribution 18 May 1945
date of censorship 11/1945 (konec povolení k promítání 28. 5. 1947)
withdrawal from distribution 29 May 1947
premiere 15 October 1943 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Adrie /3 týdny/, Kapitol /3 týdny/ a Phönix /3 týdny/, Praha)
renewed premiere 22 December 1945 /inaccessible for youths/
Nationalfilm (původní 1943), Státní půjčovna filmů (obnovená 1945)
feature film
83 min
2 355 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
Czech, German
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