Explosives manager Petr Pangrác is well respected for his abilities by all the quarrymen at the granite quarry. Only master Hurt does not like him. Anka Halíková has fallen in love with Petr, but since Hurt recommended her as canteen-keeper at the quarry he expects some gratitude from her. In an argument proud Petr is offended and leaves the quarry. He buys himself a plot of land called Borovičko on the other bank of the river. Petr is the only one who believes there is granite there. If granite were found near the river, a stone bridge could be built. Standa, the unmanly son of the mayor and innkeeper Zadák, secretly visits Anka. The girl just laughs at him and she complains about him to his sister, the teacher Pavlína. After many days' hard work Petr finds granite in his mine. Standa surprises Anka in a deserted place and violently tries to have his way with her, but she falls off the cliff. Petr is arrested on suspicion of murder. But Pavlína intervenes and Standa confesses the truth to the officers of the law.
střelmistr Petr Pangrác
Pangrác, Petrův otec
Pangrácová, Petrova matka
starosta a hospodský Zadák
Zadáková, starostova žena
Standa, syn Zadákových
učitelka Pavlína, dcera Zadákových
mistr v lomu Hurt
kantýnská Anka Halíková
opilec Halík, Ančin bratr
polír Kedles
lamač Váňa
lamač Tonda
kameník Vosmík
malý Pepík Bartoš
švadlena Bartošová, Pepíkova matka
pomocník střelmistra
ředitel panských lomů
pan řídící
stavební rada Rous
obhájce JUDr. Klíma
druhý pomocník střelmistra
vyslýchající úředník
Jiří Lehovec, František Urbánek, Vladimír Hladký, Josef Mach
Jan Morávek (Skalní plemeno – román)
Václav Dražil, Karel Feix (ředitel výroby)
J. M. Gottlieb (umělecký poradce), Miroslav Haller (jazykový poradce)
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Skalní plemeno
Skalní plemeno
Sturdy as a Rock
Ein Mann aus Granit
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 10 August 1943
end of filming 10 December 1943
date of censorship 4 March 1944 (predikáty „umělecky hodnotný film“ a „film pro Den hrdinů“)
withdrawal from distribution 18 May 1945
date of censorship 07/1945 (konec povolení k promítání 14. 6. 1947)
withdrawal from distribution 06/1947
withdrawal from distribution 1 March 1957
premiere 17 March 1944 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Adria /3 týdny/, Kapitol /3 týdny/ a Lucerna /3 týdny/, Praha)
renewed premiere 20 July 1945 /inaccessible for youths/
Nationalfilm (původní 1944), Státní půjčovna filmů (obnovená 1945)
feature film
88 min
2 502 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
Czech, German