On Mother's Day, May 1945, an uprising against the German invaders broke out in Prague. The young husband has just enough time to congratulate his wife Miluška, who just had a baby, get armed and take his position at the barricades. German soldiers break into the apartment where his wife is alone with the baby. One of them likes the woman and she is saved from his rude advances only by the fact that all the people from the building are driven into the basement. Her little daughter's milk bottle breaks and Miluška is upset. A fire breaks out in the house, the Red Cross intervenes and the Germans are forced to let the women leave the basement. A German soldier throws a hand grenade after the young woman and she falls on the swaddling clothes together with her child. The child shows no signs of life. But inside the shelter a nurse takes care of the mother and realizes the child is alive. Miluška's joy joins the overwhelming feeling of happiness spreading among the people who have just discovered that Prague has been liberated.
The film was created on the initiative of and in cooperation with the staff of Prague film studios in Radlice. It was released in distribution together with the short film Little History (1945, directed by Bořivoj Zeman) and the British medium length title Before the Raid (1944; directed by Jiří Weiss) under the joint title Occupation Trilogy.
matka Miluška
barikádník Jenda, Miluščin manžel
Hedvika, Miluščina a Jendova dcera
barikádník Franta Novák, Jendův kamarád
příslušník SS
lékař Červeného kříže
mladá žena z domu
žena z domu
žena z domu
žena z domu
stará žena z domu
mladý muž z domu
muž s fajfkou z domu
příslušník SS
děti v útulku
Jindra Čermáková
Ina Žáková, František Zajíček
Otakar Urban, J. Wehlgemutt
pplk. Alexander Jäkl (technický poradce)
Josef Suk (V nový život – pochod)
Svátek matek 1945
Svátek matek 1945
The Mother's Day 1945
Svátek matek / Den matek
featuretheatrical distribution
drama, war
start of filming 6 August 1945 (ateliéry)
date of censorship 10/1945 (neschváleno do distribuce)
end of filming 25 October 1945 (ateliéry)
date of censorship 7 March 1946 (konec povolení k promítání 7. 3. 1951)
withdrawal from distribution 15 December 1950
premiere 3 May 1946 /suitable for youths/ (kino Moskva /1 týden/, Praha)
Pracovní skupina Františka Papouška, František Papoušek (šéf pracovní skupiny)
short film
26 min
745 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
Czech, English, German, Russian
without subtitles
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