A resistance movement is formed soon after the country is occupied by the German army in 1939. Colonel Jánský and Lieutenant Mašek hide a transmitter and weapons in an abandoned quarry. They are aided by people from the nearby small town of Křemenec - the gamekeeper Severa and the ferryman Svoboda and his elder son. The German army has moved into Křemenec. The only person glad of their presence is the grocer Krejza and his wife coming from Sudetenland. Jánský is arrested in Prague. Mašek manages to escape on his return. Krejza denounces the publican, ferryman and his son, and the gamekeeper with his wife to the Gestapo and the secret policemen come to arrest them. During this tragic event, Eva, Jánský's daughter, comes to visit the ferryman and his son. Svoboda's daughter Anička runs to the gamekeeper's lodge to warn her. She does not know that it is too late and that the lodge is occupied by Germans. A German soldier tries to rape Anička but her mother intervenes. Yet the Germans kill her in the forest as she escapes. Mašek decides to escape with his wife across the border. They stop in Křemenec for Eva who has been left on her own. Before they go, Mašek seeks out Krejza and, as punishment for the death of the Czech patriots, shoots him dead.
The film contains documentary footage filmed in the Prague streets from 15th March 1939.
převozník Prokop Svoboda
Anna, Svobodova žena
Frantík, starší syn Svobodových
Anička, dcera Svobodových
Jeník, mladší syn Svobodových
obchodník Bedřich Krejza
řidič Vondrák
plukovník Jánský
Eva, Jánského dcera
hajný Josef Severa
nadporučík Mašek alias Karel Hart
Jarmila, Maškova žena
poručík SS
kapitán Wolf
hospodský Václav Šafránek
Jiří, Jánského syn
návštěvník hospody v klobouku
příslušník SS ve Wolfově kanceláři
muž na ulici
Jánského žena
Greta, Krejzova žena
Severova žena
hlas z rozhlasu
Václav Běhounek
Jaroslav Kníže
František Novák, František Růžička, Karel Klikar, František Jelínek
Gustav Rohan (pokladník), Růžena Žohová (sekretářka produkce), František Mašek
Josef Neuberg (režijní spolupráce), Antonín Frič (fotograf), František Michališ
FISYO (Music Conducted by Otakar Pařík)
Song Composer Charles Borel-Clerc
Nezapomeň / Nezapomeň!
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 1 April 1946
end of filming 07/1946
date of censorship 25 November 1946 (konec povolení k promítání 25. 11. 1951)
withdrawal from distribution 15 December 1950
premiere 29 November 1946 /suitable for youths/ (kina Hvězda /3 týdny/, Máj /3 týdny/ a Pasáž /2 týdny/, Praha)
Výrobní skupina Karla Feixe, Karel Feix (vedoucí výrobní skupiny)
feature film
69 min
1 959 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
Czech, German
without subtitles
Event: Aprobační komise pro schvalování českých filmů
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Jaroslav Tuzar