F. X. Svoboda’s comedy drama was first adapted for film by Martin Frič (Poslední muž [The Last Man]) in 1934, with Hugo Haas starring in the title role. The popular production was then brought to cinemas once again 13 years later under the direction of Vladimír Slavínský. The lead this time was played by Jaroslav Marvan. He depicted both the uptight family tyrant Bořivoj Kohout and his easygoing twin brother Jaroslav. Implored by the suitor of Bořivoj’s daughter, Jaroslav agrees to teach his brother a lesson. Following a conflict in a circus involving big cats and their tamer, Bořivoj ends up in an asylum and the quick-thinking twin can only get him out by swapping places with him. The short-tempered moraliser thus learns at last about the preposterousness of his ideas of family order as well as about how he is perceived by his closest ones... Marvan was joined in this light movie by co-stars including Meda Valentová and Soňa Červená.
The antiquarian Bořivoj Kohout puts great effort into keeping his wife and children - two daughters and a son - under strict control. His daughter Zdeňka's suitor Bečvář intends to conquer his tyranny and thus help the family towards a more peaceful life and pave the way towards his marriage to Zdeňka. For him to succeed requires a lot of painstaking work. Meanwhile, Bořivoj Kohout's brother Jaroslav wants to appease his principled brother and travels to Prague to see him. At the circus Bořivoj tries to stop a production being organized by the lion-tamers. As the chairman of an association for the protection of animals he wants to put an end to such maltreatment. He is taken to a hospital for nervous disorders since no-one believes that a healthy person could act the way he does. Bečvář contacts Jaroslav Kohout and they try to have Bořivoj released from the institution. The price for this help is an exchange of role - Jaroslav remains in the hospital instead of Bořivoj, and Bořivoj, who looks identical to his brother, returns home as Jaroslav. This change of identity enables Bořivoj to discover the true situation in his family and the views of his wife and children on his tyrannical behaviour. This recognition cures him of his dictatorial ways, and peace and mutual understanding finally return to the family circle.
This theme had already been treated in a Czech film under the title The Last Man (1934; directed by Martin Frič).
starožitník Bořivoj Kohout/lesní Jaroslav Kohout, Bořivojovo dvojče
Kohoutová, Bořivojova žena
PhDr. Helena Kohoutová, Bořivojova dcera
absolventka Umprum Zdeňka Kohoutová, Bořivojova dcera
IngC. Jaroslav Kohout, Bořivojův syn
Antonín, Bořivojův pomocník
Ing. arch. Karel Bečvář, Zdeňčin snoubenec
PhDr. Marek, Helenin snoubenec
Baruška, služebná u Kohoutů
profesor v sanatoriu
Petr, ošetřovatel v sanatoriu
Viktor, simulant v sanatoriu
ředitel cirkusu
oktavánka Tonča Vacková, Jaroslavova dívka
zřízenec cirkusu
lékař v sanatoriu
zřízenec v sanatoriu
zřízenec v sanatoriu
žena se psem, členka spolku pro ochranu zvířat přátel němé tváře
žena s kočkou, členka spolku pro ochranu zvířat přátel němé tváře
krotitel šelem
zřízenec v cirkuse
žena ve vlaku
účastník aukce, přihazovatel
biletář v cirkusu
návštěvník u starožitníka
návštěvnice u starožitníka
mladík na plaveckém stadionu
mladík na plaveckém stadionu
člen spolku pro ochranu zvířat přátel němé tváře
jednatel spolku pro ochranu zvířat přátel němé tváře
pokladník spolku pro ochranu zvířat přátel němé tváře
účastník aukce
hlas hlasatele rozhlasu
F. X. Svoboda (Poslední muž – divadelní hra)
Willy Ströminger (fotograf), Bedrník (fotograf)
Bernhard Flies (Ukolébavka /Schlafe, mein Prinzchen/)
FISYO (Music Conducted by Milivoj Uzelac)
Poslední mohykán
Poslední mohykán
The Last of the Mohicans
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 31 March 1947
end of filming 06/1947
date of censorship 8 August 1947 (konec povolení k promítání 8. 8. 1952)
withdrawal from distribution 31 August 1976
premiere 5 September 1947 /suitable for youths/ (kina Letka /4 týdny/, Praha /5 týdnů/ a Světozor /3 týdny/, Praha)
Výrobní skupina Karla Feixe, Karel Feix (vedoucí výrobní skupiny)
feature film
94 min
2 679 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles
Event: Aprobační komise pro schvalování českých filmů
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Josef Střecha
Event: Aprobační komise pro schvalování českých filmů
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Josef Hlaváč
Event: Aprobační komise pro schvalování českých filmů
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Event: Aprobační komise pro schvalování českých filmů
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Vladimír Slavínský
Event: Aprobační komise pro schvalování českých filmů
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Jaroslav Marvan
Event: Aprobační komise pro schvalování českých filmů
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Jaroslav Mottl
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