Seasoned director Martin Frič in 1948 carved another notch in his filmography by making a motion picture that answered the period’s demand for “political engagement”. The lead character in the narrative set just after the end of World War Two is First Lieutenant Kliment Mareš (Karel Höger). Upon his return to Prague he is painfully confronted by the open sores left in his life by the years of the Nazi occupation of his homeland. Kliment’s fiancée is now married, his friends have disappeared and both his mother and sister have been killed by the Nazis. Luckily, there is still Sergeant Stáňa (Běla Jurdová) who never wavers in her devout love for her brother in arms. The film’s finale sees the couple heading towards a new life in the Sudetenland, now a borderland region desperate for people to replace the displaced German population... Návrat domů (The Return Home) premiered in January 1949, and in April of the same year Frič released his parody Pytlákova schovanka aneb Šlechetný milionář (The Poacher's Foster Daughter), seen as so much closer to his natural style.
Lieutenant Mareš and his unit are returning to Prague just after the end of the War, in May 1945. He is looking forward to seeing his family, his fiancée and friends. His colleague Sergeant Stáňa loves him and is afraid that she will lose him in this new environment. Mareš visits old Mrs Stachová but does not have the courage to tell her that her son died in battle. He later finds out that his fiancée is now married to someone else, that his mother and sister were arrested and shot dead and his former friends are now dead or went missing during the War. He finds only the old professor who had not left his cellar flat for five years in order not to have to confront the Germans. Stáňa is disappointed that Mareš has forgotten their friendship and that he left her on her own on his first day back in Prague. In the evening they meet in the hotel where they are staying. They are told that they must leave for the border. They become aware of their mutual relationship and understand the value of their friendship. Reconciled, they leave for their new destination.
On January 7, 1949, the film was shown in thirty provincial cinemas before its Prague première.
nadporučík Kliment Mareš
četařka Stáňa
desátník Janík
profesor Blažej
Tonča, vnučka Stachové
Marta, bývalá Marešova snoubenka
pokojská v hotelu
Karel Fiala
Souček, Martin otec
Součková, Martina matka
Alois, Martin strýc
mladík u Součků v bytě
Sedláček, majitel koloniálu
Zdeněk, Sedláčkův syn
Jitka, Sedláčkova dcera
řidič džípu
prodavačka klobouků
muž radící sovětskému vojákovi
Martina dcera
Boža, Martina teta
voják ve skladu oděvů
mladý gardista v Mánesu
domovnice se žehličkou
domovnice vytírající schody
malý chlapec
Marešova matka
sovětský voják
posel z velitelství
mladík v Mánesu
muž se sirkou v ústech
Kovář, vrchní číšník v Mánesu
Kadeřábek, majitel klobouku
soused s mlékem
Franta Skoupa, host v Mánesu
chodec na ulici
V. Vacín
František Urbánek, Václav Hladký
Mirek Pitner (fotograf)
Song Composer Lev Knipper
Singer sbor
Song Composer Jaromír Vejvoda
Song Composer František Josef Pelz
Návrat domů
Návrat domů
The Return Home
Zabloudil v Praze / Sám / Návrat / Zabloudil v Praze a sám
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 1 February 1948
date of censorship 24 November 1948 (konec povolení k promítání 24. 11. 1953)
withdrawal from distribution 22 April 1954
withdrawal from distribution 31 July 1976
preview 7 January 1949 (mimopražská kina)
premiere 28 January 1949 /suitable for youths/ (kino Alfa /3 týdny/ a Dukla /1 týden od 11. 2./, Praha)
renewed premiere 3 May 1968 /suitable for youths/
Rozdělovna filmů Československého státního filmu (původní 1949), Ústřední půjčovna filmů (obnovená 1968)
III. výrobní skupina Frič – Reimann, Martin Frič (umělecký šéf III. výrobní skupiny), Zdeněk Reimann (produkční šéf III. výrobní skupiny)
feature film
88 min
2 508 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles
Event: Soutěž Ústřední filmové dramaturgie na filmový námět
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Leopold Lahola
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