The year 1931 brought a climax to the world's economic crisis. It affected also the inhabitants of an old periphery house. The men are unemployed and their wives have to shop on credit at the local shopkeeper Bočan, who is at the same time the owner of the house. Bočan is far from a philathropist. He would loan money, but only at a usurious interest. He would sell on credit, but would always add few crowns to the amount owed. And all this he records into a green book which is the apple of his eye. The customers suspect that Bočan steals on them but have no proof, and thus they simply have to pay more. Frantík, the grandson of the poor Severýn, who gives a helping hand in the shop on holidays, reveals Bočan's swindles and seizes the green book. He also finds out that Bočan is moreover a receiver of stolen merchandise. Thanks to Frantík, the policeman Brejcha who had suspected Bočan of wrongdoing for a long time finds out about Bočan's swindles and middleman activites, and takes him to a police station.
On January 7, 1949, the film was shown in thirty provincial cinemas before its Prague première.
obchodník Karel Bočan
Růžena, Bočanova žena
děda Severýn
Frantík, Severýnův vnuk
automechanik Václav Kolísko
Jarka, Kolískův syn
řidič Josef Urbanec
strážník Brejcha
Božka, dcera Bílkové
Olda Náhlík
Oldova matka
otec Náhlík
nezaměstnaný Jelínek
nezaměstnaný Jarda Klečka
nájemnice Jelínková, Bočanova zákaznice
zloděj s kufrem
závozník Kovář
Václav Řezáč (Poplach v Kovářské uličce – román)
Václav Hojda (fotograf), Petr Zora (fotograf)
FISYO (Music Conducted by Otakar Pařík)
Zelená knížka
Zelená knížka
The Green Notebook
featuretheatrical distribution
end of filming 25 May 1948
date of censorship 19 November 1948 (konec povolení k promítání 19. 11. 1953)
withdrawal from distribution 30 June 1990
preview 7 January 1949 (mimopražská kina)
premiere 3 June 1949 /suitable for youths/ (kino Blaník /3 týdny/, Praha)
VII. výrobní skupina Řezáč – Fábera – Šmída, Miloslav Fábera (umělecký šéf VII. výrobní skupiny), Václav Řezáč (umělecký šéf VII. výrobní skupiny), Bohumil Šmída (produkční šéf VII. výrobní skupiny)
feature film
85 min
2 419 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles
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