DS-70 Does Not Move Off





Production year



9 November 1951


73 min


Vladimír Slavínský, Martin Frič (dokončení 1950)




drama, socialist-realism


featuretheatrical distributionlong

Original title

DS-70 nevyjíždí

Czech title

DS-70 nevyjíždí

English title

DS-70 Does Not Move Off


The reconstruction of the liberated country after the Second World War demands sufficient supplies of coal. To increase the extraction, the mine in Most wants to run test work for a gigantic excavator, which is supposed to substitute the work of four thousand men. During the test before a committee the generator burns out and the extraction is threatened. The investigation shows that the damage was caused by sabotage. Engineer Marek, with his colleagues Gabriel and Vacek, start the repair work which demands a great effort on their part. Marek's marriage suffers greatly because of his work. His wife Olga stays alone in Prague. The building of new homes, intended mainly for the families of the miners, who had to leave their present homes, but in which Marek's family is also going to live one day, is not proceeding as planned. Lonely Olga decides to go and join her husband. After an initial misunderstanding, she stays and helps him with the time-consuming work. Finally, the saboteurs, who tried again to destroy the already repaired excavator, are picked up and the machine can start working.


The last film of the director Vladimír Slavínský was premiered two years after his death, in 1951. The director worked on the film in the autumn of 1948 and in the year 1949. After his death, his project was taken over by his colleague Martin Frič and completed with a slightly changed staff in the year 1950. In the magazine Kino (December 20, 1950, nr. 26, vol. VI., p. 626–627) Jan Žalman mentions, that death prevented the director from finishing the film and, to fill up the biggest gaps, several small scenes have been added to it.


Rudolf Deyl ml.

mechanik Gabriel zvaný Gába

L. H. Struna

šéfmechanik Vacek

Robert Vrchota

elektrotechnik Kavan

Rudolf Široký

Ing. Prokop Marek

Vlasta Fabianová

Olga, Markova žena

Vlasta Fialová

sekretářka Zdenka Krystínová

Felix le Breux

Ing. Denkr

J. O. Martin

horník Vohryzek

Alena Kreuzmannová

Anička, Vohryzkova dcera

František Holar

horník Baltýnek

Gustav Nezval

redaktor dr. Vítek

František Klika

stavitel architekt. Bohumil Vnuk

František Hanus

architekt stavebního družstva

Zdeňka Balounová

návštěvnice u Olgy

Milada Davidová

Mařenka, Olžina přítelkyně

Alois Dvorský

hlídač na stavbě

Jindra Hermanová

hornická žena

Ladislav Janeček

redaktor Holeček

Ferdinand Jarkovský

muž v předsednictvu schůze

Jan S. Kolár

člen komise

Josef Maršálek

záškodník Dymeš

Jaroslav Orlický

záškodník Müller

František Marek

člen komise

Bolek Prchal

dílovedoucí Anton

Blažena Slavíčková

Baltýnkova žena

Ladislav Sedláček

redaktor na dole

Zdeněk Šavrda

host u Olgy

Pavel Spálený

člen komise

Hugo Zoubek

muž na schůzi

Hynek Němec

záškodník Braun

Miroslav Polach

Crew and creators


Vladimír Slavínský, Martin Frič (dokončení 1950)

Based on

Vojtěch Cach (DS-70 nevyjíždí – divadelní hra)

Director of Photography

Jan Roth, Václav Hanuš (dokončení 1950)

Production Designer

Karel Škvor

Make-Up Artist

Josef Kobík

Film Editor

Antonín Zelenka

Sound Designer

František Černý

Production Manager

Bohumil Šmída, Ladislav Terš (dokončení 1950), Eduard Šimáček (vedoucí výrobního štábu; dokončení 1950)

Unit Production Manager

Jaroslav Niklas


Music Composed by

Dalibor C. Vačkář

Music Performed by

FISYO (Music Conducted by Milivoj Uzelac)

Production info

Original Title

DS-70 nevyjíždí

Czech Title

DS-70 nevyjíždí

English Title

DS-70 Does Not Move Off




featuretheatrical distribution


drama, socialist-realism

Origin country




Production Year


Production specifications

the first film copy approved 09/1950
date of censorship 18 July 1951 (konec povolení k promítání 18. 7. 1956)
withdrawal from distribution 29 March 1961


premiere 9 November 1951 /suitable for youths/ (kina Blaník /2 týdny/ a Lucerna /3 týdny/, Praha)

Copyright Holders

Národní filmový archiv

Creative Group

I. výrobní skupina Borský – Sinnreich (výroba 1948), Vladimír Borský (umělecký šéf I. výrobní skupiny), Jan Sinnreich (produkční šéf I. výrobní skupiny), V. tvůrčí kolektiv Miroslava Galušky (výroba 1949), Miroslav Galuška (vedoucí V. tvůrčího kolektivu)

Technical info

Duration typology

feature film

Duration in minutes

73 min

Original length in metres

2 067 meters

Distribution carrier

16mm, 35mm

Aspect ratio



black & white



Sound system/format




Dialogue languages


Subtitles languages

without subtitles

Opening/End credits languages


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