A complex story full of unbelievable coincidences and fateful meetings, this 1949 film sees impoverished beauty Elén (Hana Vítová) arrive in the decadent big city from a simple rural cottage in search of musical fame. But Elén manages to avoid the pitfalls of such seediness thanks to the selfless love of poor violinist Sedloň (Zdeněk Dítě), and the especially warm and empathic art-loving millionaire René Skalský (Oldřich Nový). This legendary film from director Martin Frič parodies the kitsch bourgeoisie entertainment of the 1930s and the Nazi Protectorate era escapist films of the 1940s (and also trashy literature and schematic genre spectacles of all kinds). But the members of the cast and crew mostly had years of experience in such “serious” entertainment. And so the film exudes affectionate empathy for such “criticised” phenomena. With its precise jokes, this sophisticated and intelligent film continues to enthral viewers with its timeless magic. However, the film was also one of the last to emerge in the pre-communist putsch environment – although its premiere came after the events of February 1948. Consequently, it encountered problems with the freshly installed organs of censorship.
On her twenty-first birthday the beautiful Elén discovers that she was born out of wedlock. That same day her step-father Jan Dubský is caught trespassing on private woodland property. Elén is to marry the owner of the estate to save her father punishment. Elén refuses, however, and since she has just received an invitation to a rehearsal at a theatre agency, she runs away from home with her mother's blessing. In the train she enchants the millionaire René Skalský but, when they part, she does not tell him her name. After a time she encounters him in a cosmetic salon where she works as a manicurist. Both are in love with each other. Elén interrupts the romance when she sees René behaving intimately with a well-known actress; she does not realize that this girl is his sister. In her anguish she accepts an offer of marriage from violinist Pavel Sedloň who once looked after her when she was wandering through the alien city. The rejected René falls ill, he loses his wealth and begins to earn a living as a writer of opera librettos. He is unused to working so hard and he is struck down by encephalitis. His loyal servant Bolton tells the sad news to Elén when she and Pavel are leaving the church as newly-weds. Elén rushes to the hospital and with her singing she brings the dying René back to life. The marriage turns out to be invalid and thus nothing can bar René's and Elén's happiness. Fate also rewards those closest to Elén.
The closing of this black-and-white film is in colour.
milionář René Skalský
Elén Hadrbolcová/Bětuška Hadrbolcová, Elénina matka zamlada
Bětuška Hadrbolcová, Elénina matka
pytlák Jan Dubský, Elénin otčím, hrabě
továrník Richard Skalský, otec Reného
houslista Pavel Sedloň
sluha Bolton
Malhorn, ředitel divadelní agentury
herec Jan Balada, Elénin otec
MUDr. Lexa Otok
Anita Nováková, Pavlova teta
učitel zpěvu Leonardo Bianchini
lupič Joe Pelíšek
Klára, schovanka Novákové
Zuzana Hromasová, Reného sestra
statkář Zadina
Yvettka, Sedloňova schovanka
Polánková, sousedka Hadrbolcových
úředník z magistrátu
sekretářka u Malhorna
novinář Bob Kirken
inspektor Trench
majitel baru
šéf kosmetického salonu
průvodčí vlaku
komorník Vilém
topič na parníku
stará žena ve vlaku
přednosta stanice/Ind
ředitel kočovné divadelní společnosti
uvaděčka v divadle
zákazník na manikúře
Stanislav Šulc (makety), František Jakubec (makety), Karel Císařovský (stavby)
Ferdinand Martinásek (malíř pozadí), F. Jelínek (malíř pozadí)
R. Souček (vrchní osvětlovač), Václav Malý (fotograf), Ludvík Sojka (stavební mistr)
Song Composer Julius Kalaš
Writer of Lyrics Josef NeubergFrantišek Vlček
Singer Oldřich NovýHana Vítová [dab]Vilma Meyerová
Song Composer Julius Kalaš
Writer of Lyrics Josef NeubergFrantišek Vlček
Singer Hana Vítová [dab]Vilma Meyerová
Song Composer Julius Kalaš
Writer of Lyrics Josef NeubergFrantišek Vlček
Singer Bohuslav Kupšovský
Song Composer Julius Kalaš
Writer of Lyrics Josef NeubergFrantišek Vlček
Singer Hana Vítová [dab]Vilma Meyerová
Song Composer Julius Kalaš
Writer of Lyrics Josef NeubergFrantišek Vlček
Singer Hana Vítová [dab]Vilma Meyerová
Song Composer Julius Kalaš
Writer of Lyrics Josef NeubergFrantišek Vlček
Singer Hana Vítová [dab]Vilma Meyerová
Song Composer Julius Kalaš
Writer of Lyrics Josef NeubergFrantišek Vlček
Singer Zdeněk Dítě [dab]Hana Vítová [dab]Vilma Meyerová
Song Composer Julius Kalaš
Writer of Lyrics Josef NeubergFrantišek Vlček
Singer sbor
Song Composer Julius Kalaš
Writer of Lyrics Josef NeubergFrantišek Vlček
Singer Oldřich NovýHana Vítová [dab]Vilma Meyerová
Song Composer Julius Kalaš
Writer of Lyrics Josef NeubergFrantišek Vlček
Singer Hana Vítová [dab]Vilma Meyerová
Song Composer Julius Kalaš
Writer of Lyrics Josef NeubergFrantišek Vlček
Singer Hana Vítová [dab]Vilma Mayerovásbor
Singer sbor
Singer mužský hlas
Pytlákova schovanka aneb Šlechetný milionář
Pytlákova schovanka aneb Šlechetný milionář
The Poacher's Foster Daughter
Srdce v rozpacích / Srdce na rozpacích
featuretheatrical distribution
melodrama, parody
start of filming 2 August 1948
date of censorship 7 March 1949 (konec povolení k promítání 7. 3. 1954)
withdrawal from distribution 31 July 1993
premiere 1 April 1949 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Olympic /1 týden/, Oko /1 týden/ a Hvězda /8 týdnů od 22. 4./, Praha)
renewed premiere 1 February 1983 /suitable for youths/
Rozdělovna filmů Československého státního filmu (původní 1949), Ústřední půjčovna filmů (obnovená 1983)
III. výrobní skupina Frič – Reimann, Martin Frič (umělecký šéf III. výrobní skupiny), Zdeněk Reimann (produkční šéf III. výrobní skupiny)
feature film
109 min
3 097 meters
16mm, 35mm
colour, black & white
without subtitles