The factory flying club's members are mostly young employees from the plane factory. The worker Franta Hronek is very dedicated to work and flying. The talented air-plane designer Ruda Kolář is also an excellent pilot, however he is not disciplined and is arrogant with his colleagues. He even starts flirting with the glass cutter Lída, even though he knows that she is Franta's girlfriend. By not servicing the windlass properly, Ruda causes an accident with Franta's glider. Lída, who is the only witness to the accident, doesn't reveal Ruda's guilt. Even so, Ruda is suspended for a while. The event shakes him so much that he becomes aware of his faults and changes his attitude toward people and work. This results in him being sent with Franta to the international competition in Poland. Ruda does better in the first part of the competition but harms the wing of his glider in landing. Franta, who is not doing so well in the competition, unselfishly loans his glider to Ruda. After an exhausting race with the Swedish pilot, Ruda wins the competition for Czechoslovakia. The bitterness between the two young men is gone and they are welcomed at home with huge ovations.
dělník a letec Franta Hronek
konstruktér a letec Rudolf Kolář
letecký instruktor Paukner
brusička skla a pilotka Lída Šantrochová
brusič skla Bořivoj Šantroch, Lídin otec
Hronková, Frantova matka
dílenský mistr
plachtař Honza
plachtař Ferda
plachtař Vláďa
letec Vašek Vydra
plachtař Karel Vrba
polský plachtař Modleszewski
slovenský letec Jano Matucha
Johny Zach
plachtař Pepík
funkcionář leteckého klubu
funkcionář modelářského klubu
slovenský letec
Jirka, Frantův bratr
funkcionář leteckého klubu
Ing. Kouba
člen komise v koženém kabátě
letecký modelář
Ludva, Lídin bratr
člen závodní rady
Milan Špaček
Rudolf Fencl, Jiří Šebor (vedoucí výrobního štábu )
Ministerstvo národní obrany ČSR, Ministerstvo dopravy ČSR, Aeroklub Republiky československé, Tovární aeroklub Alaz
FISYO (Music Conducted by Otakar Pařík)
Song Composer Anatolij Novikov
Vítězná křídla
Vítězná křídla
Victorious Wings
featuretheatrical distribution
drama, socialist-realism, sport
the first film copy approved 11/1950
date of censorship 10 January 1951 (konec povolení k promítání 10. 1. 1956)
withdrawal from distribution 28 January 1960
premiere 9 February 1951 /suitable for youths/ (kina Blaník /4 týdny/, Lucerna /3 týdny/, Svoboda /2 týdny/, Arbes /1 týden od 2. 3./ a Oko /1 týden od 2. 3./, Praha)
IV. tvůrčí kolektiv Miroslava Galušky, Miroslav Galuška (vedoucí IV. tvůrčího kolektivu)
feature film
90 min
2 562 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles
Festival: 1. mezinárodní filmový festival v Indii
Bombaj / India