The Second World War is drawing to a close. A munitions factory controlled by German soldiers is located in a small Czech town. A partisan division is hiding outside the town which is to try to prevent a transport of weapons reaching the front. Members of an illegal movement formed from workers and town inhabitants risk their lives helping the partisans. They also find great support in the old, shrewd doctor of whose reliability the Germans are convinced. The worker Hanuš is forced to escape and his eldest son Jenda, a natural leader of the local children, assumes his role in the family and also takes over the former's illegal activities. While he is looking for a lost goat high up in the hills he chances upon the partisans. The Germans arrest Hanuš's mother and treat her roughly during her interrogation. The Czech secretary in the director's office at the munitions factory is able to inform the men of the date of the transport. Jenda witnesses the shooting of a partisan contact and he, himself, brings the partisans important news in his stead. The other children help to lure away Adi, the son of the German factory guard and Jenda's great enemy. The transport is destroyed. Jenda is reunited with his mother whom the Germans have released since they are unable to glean anything from her regarding the whereabouts of her husband.
dělník Hanuš
Marie, Hanušova žena
Jenda, syn Hanušových
Jirka, syn Hanušových
Milenka, dcera Hanušových
MUDr. Ruml
gestapák Schulze
gestapák Bohne
plukovník von Stauffen
verkšuc Franz Paulik
Paulikova žena
Adi, syn Paulikových
partyzánská spojka Pepinka
sekretářka Lída
dělník Coufal
velitel partyzánů
řídící učitel
dělník Bárta
Berta, lékařova hospodyně
pacientka v čekárně
dělnice Nováková
nadporučík Rudi
velitel SS
dozorce Kremlík
dělník Hrubeš
dozorce Johann Kiml
Václav Vaňátko (Malý partyzán – divadelní hra)
P. Mrázová (fotografka)
FISYO (Music Conducted by Otakar Pařík)
Singer Dana Ingvortová
Singer dětský sbor
Malý partyzán
Malý partyzán
The Little Partisan
featuretheatrical distribution
the first film copy approved 12/1950
date of censorship 4 April 1951 (konec povolení k promítání 4. 4. 1956)
withdrawal from distribution 30 June 1990
premiere 7 September 1951 /suitable for youths/ (kina Blaník /3 týdny/ a Lucerna /3 týdny/, Praha)
renewed premiere 7 May 1971 /suitable for youths/
Rozdělovna filmů Československého státního filmu (původní 1951), Ústřední půjčovna filmů (obnovená 1971)
III. tvůrčí kolektiv Jana Kloboučníka, Jan Kloboučník (vedoucí III. tvůrčího kolektivu)
feature film
93 min
2 662 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
Czech, German
without subtitles
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