Desk officer for a state Gramophone Company Jakub Veselý criticizes his friend and composer Jan Benda for not writing music which is comprehensible to the workers, music which they could identify with. The clerk in charge of music broadcasts on the radio, Eva, also does not have a high opinion of him for the same reason. Benda likes the young woman but he turns down her request to change his style as well - he has no intention of writing a "song for a penny". Czechoslovak Radio announces a competition for new songs and performers. A song arrives from an unknown composer by the name of Jan Groš [Penny] which Eva likes so much that she decides to sing it herself. The work is very successful and wins the competition. It comes out on record and Jakub and Eva erroneously think that the mysterious songwriter will make himself known. After some time another song arrives at the radio, this time composed to a text by Jakub Veselý. At the Tesla club party the song is to be performed by a Youth Movement ensemble. Jakub announces that the ensemble's conductor has fallen ill and the work can only be conducted by its composer. Only now does Jan Benda, alias Jan Groš, come forward to present himself to the audience who give him a big hand.
hudební skladatel Jan Benda
referent Gramofonových závodů Jakub Veselý
sekretářka Československého rozhlasu Eva Slavíková
dělnice v Tesle Andulka Jiráková
dělník v Tesle Mirek, Andulčin bratr
Ivanka, Evina dcera
dělník v Tesle Karel
Jarča, kamarádka Andulky
Jiráková, matka Andulky a Mirka
zpěvačka Irena Jonášová
hudební skladatel Václav Jonáš, Irenin muž
profesor hudby
dělník v Tesle Josef
posluchačka na koncertě
klavírista Vilím, referent Československého rozhlasu
vynálezce Josef Šesták
referent Gramofonových závodů Soukup
prodavačka Mařenka
rozhlasový režisér
muzikant s pozounem
muzikant s trubkou
muzikant s klarinetem
muzikant s helikónem
zřízenec v rozhlase
sousedka Jirákových
skladatel Rudolf
pionýrka Alena
vrátný v rozhlase
Vladimír Zelenka, Zdena Pavlátová
Antonín Stránský (fotograf)
Josef Suk, Bedřich Smetana (Má vlast /Vltava/)
FISYO (Music Conducted by Milivoj Uzelac), Pěvecký sbor Čs. rozhlasu (Music Conducted by Jiří Pinkas), Eva Bernáthová /klavírní sólo/
Song Composer lidová píseň
Writer of Lyrics lidová píseň
Singer Vilém Besser [dab]Jan Soumar
Song Composer Václav Dobiáš
Song Composer Ludvík Podéšť
Writer of Lyrics Vlastimil Pantůček
Singer Pěvecký sbor Čs. rozhlasu
Song Composer Ludvík Podéšť
Writer of Lyrics Vlastimil Pantůček
Singer Pěvecký sbor Čs. rozhlasuZdenka Procházková [dab]Melanie Binnerová
Song Composer Ludvík Podéšť
Writer of Lyrics Vlastimil Pantůček
Singer František Hanusdětský sbor
Song Composer Ludvík Podéšť
Writer of Lyrics Vlastimil Pantůček
Singer František HanusZdenka Procházková [dab]Melanie Binnerová
Song Composer Ludvík Podéšť
Writer of Lyrics Vlastimil Pantůček
Singer Soňa Červená
Písnička za groš
Písnička za groš
A Ditty for a Penny
featuretheatrical distribution
music, comedy
start of filming 15 September 1952
the first film copy approved 11 February 1953
date of censorship 25 February 1953 (konec povolení k promítání 25. 2. 1958)
withdrawal from distribution 4 June 1962
premiere 10 July 1953 /suitable for youths/ (kina Blaník /3 týdny/, Pasáž /3 týdny/, Kyjev /1 týden od 17. 7./, Kotva /1 týden od 31. 7./, Moskva /1 týden od 31. 7./, Aero /1 týden od 7. 8./, Oko /1 týden od 7. 8./, Arbes /1 týden od 14. 8./ a Bystrica /1 týden od 14. 8./, Praha)
Dramaturgická skupina Oldřicha Nového (vývoj scénáře), Oldřich Nový (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)
feature film
88 min
2 513 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles
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