Josef Trojan is returning from his holidays to Kunčice where he is a welder on a building site. At the station he meets a group of gipsies who have arrived in search of work. Trojan is appalled to discover that they are all illiterate and he decides to help at least one of them. The widower Gejza Fabián has been left alone to bring up his son whom everyone is starting to call Fabiánek. Trojan takes Fabián to join the work team and soon trains him to be a skilled welder. The teacher Krásová has taken Fabiánek under her wing who, since he has very little education, has been put in a class of much younger children. Krásová also sets up evening classes for the adult gipsies. Not everything runs smoothly, however. Certain people are intolerant and others display signs of open racism. Moreover it comes to a clash between father and son - at school Fabiánek admits that his father cribbed the homework off him and Fabián feels his son's admission as betrayal. The differing temperaments and customs also cause misunderstandings between Fabián, Trojan and Krásová. The worker Řepka, who disliked Fabián intensely from the beginning, causes a fire in the machinery. Fabián is mistakenly identified as the culprit and his punishment is his assignment to ordinary building work requiring no qualifications. Fabiánek has caught up with the other children with help from the pioneers and he becomes one of them. Trojan ascertains the true culprit behind the fire and ensures Fabián's return to the welding circle.
dělník Gejza Fabián
malý Gejza, Fabiánův syn zvaný Fabiánek
svářeč Josef Trojan
inženýr Jan Krása, vedoucí stavby
učitelka Vlasta, Krásová žena
mistr František Tereba
dělník Václav Řepka, bývalý holič
Tonička, Trojanova milá
svářeč Stanislav Hrabal
svářeč Jaroslav
prodavač Ríša, Řepkův kamarád
Stárek, předseda závodní rady
vrchní číšník ve vinárně
Singing Voice Štěpánka Štěpánová
Carmen v operním představení
svářeč Ondřej Rektoris
cikánský zpěvák
primáš cimbálové muziky
Řepkova přítelkyně
Hanička, Terebova dcera
cikánka Margita
Bohumil Kouba, Dagmar Nešlehová
Ludvík Aškenazy (Dva Gáboři – povídka)
František Král /pedagogický poradce/
Antonín Stránský (fotograf)
Georges Bizet (Carmen)
FISYO (Music Conducted by Milivoj Uzelac), Ivan Kawaciuk /sólo na housle/
Singer dětský sbor
Singer Elemir Saszy
Singer sbor
Můj přítel Fabián
Můj přítel Fabián
My Friend the Gipsy
featuretheatrical distribution
drama, psychological
start of filming 20 March 1953
the first film copy approved 29 December 1953
projection approval 28 January 1954
withdrawal from distribution 31 January 1975
premiere 7 January 1955 /suitable for youths/ (kina Pasáž /5 týdnů/, Revoluce /1 týden/, Kyjev /1 týden od 14. 1./, Oko /1 týden od 28. 1./ a Vzlet /1 týden od 4. 2./, Praha)
feature film
99 min
2 811 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
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