The express train arrives at Cheb from Nuremberg. The custom officers fail to see a cigarette packet taped underneath one of the seats in a compartment. The box contains a scheme for the destruction of a Czech dam. After the custom control in Cheb, the agents Radimský and Řehoř, teacher Věra and other passengers get on the train. In the meantime, in Prague, another agent - Nowak - tries to blackmail the taxi-driver Dvořák to assist him in passing over the plan. Věra dropped a mirror and saw the box in the reflection. In her excitement, she wanted to share what she saw with the kind fellow-passenger Klíma, but he refused to join her to go to the dining car. Unfortunately, she spoke to Řehoř whom she met in the corridor instead. To prevent her from telling what she saw to the train crew, he draws a dagger on her. The waiter who happened to be passing by saves Věra's life. Řehoř pulls the security brake and escapes from the train. The investigation shows that Klíma is a member of the Secrete Police and that he knows everything about the packet. In Prague, Dvořák disclosed everything to the Secrete Police and a trap can be prepared. In the dramatic fight on the bank of the Vltava, Radimský and Řehoř are caught. Nowak is killed in the explosion of a shell which he wanted to use against the Secrete Police agents.
učitelka Věra Mikulová
agent Radimský
příslušník StB František Klíma
zlepšovatel František Čapek
cestující Marie Vaňková
kouzelník Mrkvička alias Bondini
agent Řehoř
agent Nowak
taxikář Dvořák
příslušník StB Jiří Mareš
řidič sanitky
agent z Norimberka
číšník Veselý
plukovník StB Prokop
příslušník StB Martin Borovanský
příslušník StB Barták
příslušník StB Havlík
příslušník StB Veleminský
příslušník StB
příslušník StB
praporčík Černý, telegrafista
Láďa, Čapkův syn
příslušník StB Zachar
Jano, Marešův přítel
praporčík Kouba
průvodce na Karlově mostě
Dvořákův kolega
mladík na ulici
žena se džbánem
žena na chebském nádraží
Vladimír Zelenka, Zdena Pavlátová
Kamil Pixa, Karel Honke
FISYO (Music Conducted by Milivoj Uzelac), Jan Kaláb
Song Composer Dalibor C. Vačkář
Writer of Lyrics Jaroslav Seifert
Singer dětský sbor
Expres z Norimberka
Expres z Norimberka
The Nuremberg Express
featuretheatrical distribution
adventure, spy
start of filming 30 March 1953
the first film copy approved 9 December 1953
projection approval 25 March 1954
withdrawal from distribution 30 September 1973
premiere 26 March 1954 /suitable for youths/ (kina Sevastopol /3 týdny/, Blaník /2 týdny/, Armádní /2 týdny/, Kyjev /1 týden od 2. 4./ a Dukla /1 týden od 9. 4./, Praha)
Dramaturgická skupina Vladimíra Bora (vývoj scénáře), Vladimír Bor (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)
feature film
61 min
1 736 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles
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