Old rivals meet at the annual festival in Strážnice - cooperative members from Dubnice and Bojanov. The Dubnice group is ahead. Their sausages are sold more quickly and they have their own folk ensemble in the competition. The accountant from Bojanov, Ambrož, can't take the success of the Dubnice group, especially after he discovers that his daughter Eva is singing in their ensemble. After their return from the festival, the young people of Bojanov start a singing and dance ensemble led by the teacher Bartoš from Dubnice, despite Ambrož's protests. Ambrož doesn't give up, though, and prohibits Bartoš from rehearsing in Bojanov. Bartoš gives in, but his girlfriend Eva Ambrožová doesn't like this and finally even splits up with him because of it. There is a bleak mood in the Ambrož family. Ambrož is reconciled with his daughter only just before the regional round of the popular talent competition when he can't resist it any longer and joins the ensemble with his small violin. However, the final rehearsals in Strážnice show that neither one of the communities is able to put together a good quality ensemble. The old rivals overcome their conflicts and perform in Strážnice together. Eva and Bartoš also come together again.
účetní JZD Cyril Ambrož
Eva, Ambrožova dcera
Marina, Ambrožova žena
učitel Pavel Bartoš
vedoucí kapely Antoš Kohút, předseda JZD
Rozina Marinčáková, Kohútova dcera
řidič Jožka Marinčák
Anička Gajdošová
kovář Francek Gajdoš, předseda MNV
ovčák Martin Gajdoš
Tomáš Minár
Bětka Minárová, Rozinina sestra
babička Katarína Durajová
družstevnice Tereza Fojtová
Matěj Svrček
družstevník Jan Adamec
družstevník Jura Zeman
Tomáš, Minárův syn, Bětčin muž
Skalka, předseda JZD
stařík z Dubnice
číšník ve sklípku
družstevník z Bojanova
primáš Cimbálové muziky Šohaj
primáš Cimbálové muziky z Hrubé Vrbky
Jaroslav Přibík, J. V. Vichovský, Jiří Karásek
Vladimír Klusák, Adolf Wenig, Stanislav Havlíček, František Veselý
FISYO (Music Conducted by Milivoj Uzelac)
Jiří Hrabal
Writer of Lyrics Anežka Gorlová
Singer sborNaděžda Gajerová [dab]Věra Milevská
Singer Jaroslav Lokša [dab]Karol L. Zachar
Singer Jana Štěpánková [dab]Jarmila Šuláková
Singer sbor
Singer sbor
Singer Jana Štěpánková [dab]Jarmila Šuláková
Singer sbor
Singer Jana Štěpánková [dab]Jarmila Šuláková
Singer sbor
Singer sbor
Singer Josef Bek [dab]Luboš Holý
Singer Jaroslav Lokša [dab]Karol L. Zachar
Singer Jaroslav Lokša [dab]Karol L. Zachar
Ještě svatba nebyla...
Ještě svatba nebyla...
No Wedding Yet
Zmoudření strýce Ambrože / Tvrdohlavci
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 31 August 1952
the first film copy approved 30 December 1953
projection approval 22 April 1954
withdrawal from distribution 30 September 1968
premiere 27 August 1954 /suitable for youths/ (kina Sevastopol /3 týdny/, Blaník /2 týdny/, Lucerna /2 týdny/, Kyjev /1 týden od 10. 9./ a Vzlet /1 týden od 10. 9./, Praha)
feature film
98 min
2 779 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Exhibition: Přehlídka filmové veselohry Hronov
Hronov / Czechoslovakia