The First World War has ended and soldiers are returning home from all the front-lines. Among them is Toník, whose wife and children are waiting in Kladno, as is his work in the secretariat of the Social Democratic Party. Filled with courage and lessons drawn from revolutionary Russia, Toník gets down to work together with other party members. However, their efforts have no support from the party's head office, which quickly forsakes its revolutionary ideals. In December 1920, police occupy the People's House in Prague. The people of Kladno immediately call a general strike and prepare themselves for an armed rebellion. Leaders of the railway workers union let them down, however, and the army comes to Kladno and soon arrests the rebellion leaders, headed by Toník. The strike is broken and the Prague workers are defeated. The left wing of the Social Democratic Party draws an unequivocal conclusion from the defeat - the party leadership failed in the struggle. In May 1921, the left wing calls a Congress in Prague, which Toník joins together with other released comrades. The Congress votes for an affiliation to the 3rd International and for the founding of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia.
funkcionář sociální demokracie Toník
Mařka, Toníkova žena
horník Jan Vaněk
Vaňkova žena
vdova Rézina
horník Josef Šádek
dělník Václav
vdova Minaříková
Anča, dcera Minaříkové, Václavova žena
funkcionář sociální demokracie Dub
hutník Feigl
horník Karel Vrázek
dělník Holeček
Růža, Holečkova dívka
JUDr. František Soukup
redaktor Antonín Němec
ministr Karel Prášek
okresní hejtman Rozsypal
ministerský předseda Vlastimil Tusar
JUDr. Bohumír Šmeral
správce velkostatku Loket
Maňka, dcera Toníka a Mařky
Jiřinka, dcera Toníka a Mařky
Rozsypalova žena
zemědělský dělník
předseda schůze komunistů
zaměstnanec velkostatku
ředitel velkostatků
posel z Prahy
zemědělský dělník
velitel vojáků
kladenská žena
Zdena Pavlátová, Jordan Balurov, Jiří Mikeťuk, Jiří Svoboda
Antonín Zápotocký (Rudá záře nad Kladnem – román)
Karel Ješátko (fotograf), Ústav dějin KSČ (historie)
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín), Pěvecký sbor Čs. rozhlasu (Music Conducted by Jaromír Nohejl), Hudba závodního klubu SONP Kladno (Music Conducted by Antonín Vodrážka)
Song Composer Pierre Degeyter
Writer of Lyrics Antonín MacekJosef Skalák
Singer sbor
Singer sbor
Song Composer Karel Hašler
Singer Alena Kreuzmannovásbor
Singer Eva Jiroušková
Rudá záře nad Kladnem
Rudá záře nad Kladnem
The Red Glow over Kladno
featuretheatrical distribution
drama, historical
start of filming 4 February 1955
projection approval 19 December 1955
withdrawal from distribution 30 June 1990
premiere 24 February 1956 /suitable for youths/ (kina Sevastopol /3½ týdne/, Svornost /1 týden/, Arbes /1 týden od 2. 3./, Aero /1 týden od 9. 3./ a Bystrica /1 týden od 16. 3./, Praha)
gala premiere 25 February 1956 (kino Stalingrad, Kladno)
feature film
87 min
2 491 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
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