Type-setter at a printing works Jaroslav Patočka has remained in Prague with his son Pepík, an adolescent competitive runner. Mrs Patočková left for Příbram to be with their daughter who is about to give birth. Patočka cannot wait to plant his strawberries in the garden and he looks after his bees. Instead, however, he inadvertently finds himself on a boat with his colleagues who are off on a work day out; he is appointed head of the outing. The person who was originally supposed to conduct the tour, Patočka's colleague and neighbour Kalousek, was unable to get out of his flat as the former had locked him in by mistake. The new leader is successful in this post and is thus elected speaker for social affairs at the factory commission instead of Kalousek. He gladly accepts his new tasks and also becomes cultural and sports speaker and house representative. In the meantime, his own flat is neglected, dirty dishes everywhere, the garden starts to wilt and Pepík leaves to take part in a competition; the self-sacrificing Patočka is at his wits' end, feeling the weight of his obligations. The malicious and embittered Kalousek makes things worse for him. Completely exhausted, Patočka falls ill. He later learns he has become a grandfather and that Pepík won his races. His colleagues realize that they had given him too many responsibilities. They divide up the work among other people and Patočka remains as speaker for social affairs.
sazeč Jaroslav Patočka
Rokos, předseda závodního výboru
korektor Václav Kalousek
Václav Pinc, člen závodního výboru
sekretářka Anči
Tonda Kubala, Ančin snoubenec
Pepík, Patočkův syn
Patočkova žena
Hejna, Patočkův soused
Pincova žena
korektor Boček
Hejnova žena
žadatelka o byt Richtrová
Miloušek, syn Pincových
uklízečka Sudová
hlídač srubu Forman
tiskař Novotný
kapitán parníku
vedoucí opravny zdviží
Jarmila, dcera Patočkových
vedoucí kovomatu
řečník na schůzi
úředník v topenářství
vedoucí sklenářství
strojník parťák
opravář zdviží
opravář zdviží Franta
příslušník SNB
dívka v Patočkově kanceláři
řečník na schůzi lesníků
účastník schůze
Jaroušek, vnuk Patočkových
prodavačka v Chemodroze
Pincova dcera
Pincův syn
Pincův syn
vedoucí závodní kuchyně
příslušník SNB na křižovatce
muž v Patočkově kanceláři
starší úředník
Alice Valentová, Zdeněk Endris
FISYO (Music Conducted by Milivoj Uzelac)
Nechte to na mně
Nechte to na mně
Leave It to Me
Zvláštní vydání
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 16 February 1955
projection approval 7 December 1955
withdrawal from distribution 31 January 1975
premiere 23 December 1955 /suitable for youths/ (kina Sevastopol /6 týdnů/, Oko /1 týden od 30. 12./, Kyjev /1 týden od 6. 1. 1956/, Arbes /1 týden od 13. 1. 1956/, Revoluce /1 týden od 20. 1. 1956/ a Bystrica /1 týden od 27. 1. 1956/, Praha)
feature film
78 min
2 215 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles