Mr and Mrs Kudela leave for Brno on a medical congress. Their small children, Janička and Emilek, are being looked after by their grandfather who has arrived from the country accompanied by a live goose. Grandpa is a man of iron nerves. He calmly reads his paper while the children fill up the bath for the goose and then start chasing each other noisily up and down the flat. The neighbour Šebesta from the downstairs flat complains about the noise. Grandpa decides it would be better to take the children out for a walk but he does not notice that water is overflowing from the bath and that his cigar ignites a fire which burns the armchair and curtains. Then Emilek breaks a shop window with his ball. The Kudelas return to a burned and flooded flat but, as nothing has happened to the children, the father remains calm and invites his father-in-law and neighbour to the insurance company office. His associated household insurance policy, whose contract he signed in good time, will cover the damage, even for the broken shop window. Šebesta looks round at the advertising posters and then realizes that he left the gas on at home. He and grandpa run back home. Šebesta's lit cigar has caused an explosion. Šebesta is beside himself again. His demolished flat is unfortunately not insured.
MUDr. Růžena Kudelová
MUDr. Vladimír Kudela
soused Šebesta
vedoucí prodejny
pojišťovací agent
Janička, dcera Kudelových
Emilek, syn Kudelových
Václav Zejdl
Orchestr Pavla Bayerleho
Přišel na návštěvu
Přišel na návštěvu
The Visit
featuretheatrical distribution
projection approval 1956
preview 21 October 1960 (kino Sevastopol /1 týden/, Praha)
premiere 28 October 1960 /suitable for youths/ (kina Pasáž /3 týdny/, Metro /2 týdny/, Odboj /1 týden/, Dukla /1 týden od 4. 11./, Flora /1 týden od 11. 11./ a Oko /1 týden od 11. 11./, Praha)
no caption
short film
13 min
369 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles