Lieutenant Jirgala takes a new position in a military training camp. Here he meets an old friend, Lieutenant Zábrana. However, the relationship of the two is cold, since Zábrana picked up Jirgala's girlfriend some time ago and married her. The soldiers of Zábrana's company are vexed. Despite all their efforts they did not get their leave-passes. Zábrana, whose wife is going to deliver a baby any day, asks for a leave in vain, too. Zábrana's superior, Major Cibulka, discusses the argument over the leaves in the presence of a military newspaper editor. The article published the next day criticizes Zábrana's inefficiencies in the fighting and political preparation of the garrison. Both the officers and soldiers are exasperated by the article, since Zábrana is an upright and industrious commander. Due to the new exercise, all leaves are revoked. Zábrana therefore departs in secret to see his wife. During an unexpected check, the chief of the political department, Colonel Sova, discovers many shortcomings. Cibulka makes use of the situation and is ready to bring Zábrana, whom he dislikes, to the military court. Sova talks to the soldiers and learns that the disorder in the regiment is the work of his friend Cibulka. Jirgala who found out about Zábrana's qualities, severely reprimands Cibulka for his inefficiencies. Sova recalls the incapable Cibulka from his position. After his return to the camp, Zábrana is punished only by twenty days in prison.
major Antonín Cibulka
plukovník František Sova
poručík Jiří Zábrana
poručík Martin Jirgala
poručík Fára
poručík Škrovánek
rotný Marčák, učitelský
podplukovník Čmelák
major Fialka zvaný Žebrák
četař Alois Římsa
vojín Husa
vojín Karabinoš, cikán
vojín Veselý
vojín Fojtík
desátník, později četař Tišťan
novinář nadporučík Jan Strašík
Anežka Cibulková, žena majora
Marie Zábranová, rozená Michalová, žena poručíka
Veveřička, dívka u pouličního stánku
zavalitý vojín
řidič svobodník Minařík
staršina ve dveřích stanu
Pavel Kohout (Zářijové noci – divadelní hra)
plk. František Nevěřil
Karel Hrdlička (vrchní osvětlovač), Karel Šebík (fotograf), jednotky Československé lidové armády
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín)
Singer mužský hlas
Zářijové noci
Zářijové noci
September Nights
featuretheatrical distribution
projection approval 27 March 1957
withdrawal from distribution 1 June 1971
premiere 24 May 1957 /suitable for youths/ (kina Pasáž /3 týdny/, Vzlet /1 týden/, Kyjev /1 týden od 31. 5./ a Radost /1 týden od 7. 6./, Praha)
Tvůrčí skupina Novotný – Kubala, Bedřich Kubala (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Ladislav Novotný (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
88 min
2 496 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles
Event: Cena československé filmové kritiky za rok 1957
Praha / Czechoslovakia
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