Girls from the medical boarding-school are approaching graduation. None of them wants to leave Prague so they look for all kinds of ways to secure a place in the capital. They are even prepared to fail just to postpone their departure. Their various tricks fail, though, and even the faked suicide attempt of Marie Marková doesn't secure her a desired placement. Unmarried girls have to take up previously arranged positions. Hanka and her friend Ota are also trying to avert their parting. When Ota's intervention at the Ministry of Health fails, they decide to get married. But the marriage doesn't resolve anything, on the contrary, it brings them another worry - how to find an apartment. After fruitless attempts to solve the problem, Ota takes Hanka to his parents' apartment. The parents don't approve of their marriage and the young couple is forced to leave after a nasty argument. Hanka spends the night in the workshop where Ota works. She realizes that one can't live like this and goes to take her position in the Šumava Mountains. Giving it little thought, Ota rushes to join her.
opravář výtahů Ota Josíf
Hanka Havelková, Otova dívka, později žena
Josíf, Otův otec
Josífová, Otova matka
maturantka Marie Marková
Věra, spolužačka Hanky
Karel, Věřin přítel
Viktor, Otův kamarád
Václav Hampl, Mariin ženich
ředitel zdravotní školy
zástupce ministerstva
úředník ministerstva zdravotnictví
mistr v opravně výtahů
spolubydlící Viktora
úředník na bytovém úřadě
vychovatelka v internátu
třídní učitel zdravotní školy
domovník v domě u Josífových
recepční v hotelu Alcron
stará žena, najímající pokoj
správcová na Maltézském náměstí
signorina Brigenti v hotelu Alcron
Olga, spolužačka Hanky
spolužačka Hanky
dopravní strážník
mladík v obleku před hotelem
Hančina spolužačka v puntíkovaných šatech
mladík s knihou na Karlově náměstí
dirigent orchestru
Marie Hejzlarová, Jaroslav Ullmann
Orchestr Karla Krautgartnera (Music Conducted by Karel Krautgartner), FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín)
Song Composer Jan F. Fischer
Writer of Lyrics Zdeněk Borovec
Singer Josef Zíma
Song Composer Jan F. Fischer
Writer of Lyrics Zdeněk Borovec
featuretheatrical distribution
projection approval 30 November 1957
withdrawal from distribution 30 June 1965
preview 14 March 1958 (kino Sevastopol /1 týden/, Praha)
premiere 21 March 1958 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Blaník /4 týdny/, Svornost /1 týden/, Oko /1 týden od 28. 3./, Revoluce /1 týden od 4. 4./ a Flora /1 týden d 11. 4./, Praha)
Tvůrčí skupina Šebor – Kratochvíl, Miloš V. Kratochvíl (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Jiří Šebor (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
76 min
2 156 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles
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