In 1956, director Karel Steklý filmed an adaptation of the classic Jaroslav Hašek novel Dobrý voják Švejk (The Good Soldier Švejk). A year later, this was followed by a sequel, in which Rudolf Hrušínský once again excels in the iconic lead role. This time, the indomitable hero – Josef Švejk – is up in arms over the absurd machinery of the Austro-Hungarian army. He then gets lost during a train journey, leading to some colourful adventures culminating in the city of České Budějovice. Ultimately, however, Švejk rejoins the front and his superior officer – First Lieutenant Lukáš (Svatopluk Beneš). Even in the heat of battle, Švejk fails to lose his optimistic take on life, refined dimwittedness and ability to contrive the most curious scenes of confusion and chaos. Unlike in the written work, the protagonist also takes on board the spirit of the communist-era 1950s, becoming a jovial “man of the people” in the process. Steklý’s superbly cast film has risen to become a timeless classic, exuding style, elegance, and also carrying an anti-war message, which managed to sneak out even in the repressive climate of the time.
Lieutenant Lukáš travels by train to České Budějovice with his batman Švejk. The kind-hearted but over-talkative Švejk causes a delicate situation when he offends a bald man, in reality the major general. He is told to leave the compartment and accidently pulls on the emergency chord along with the guard. Švejk is thrown off the train at Tábor where the station master is to decide upon his punishment. The compassionate man pays the soldier's fine and also gives him money for another ticket as the train to Budějovice has already left. Švejk, who drinks his way through the money, has to go there on foot. He loses his way and is arrested as a Russian spy in Putim. Meanwhile, Lukáš is assigned another batman, the gluttonous Baloun. Švejk finally arrives at his destination and is given the job of orderly for the march company. The soldiers leave for the front. When they arrive in a small town the unpopular Lieutenant Dub warns the soldiers of the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases but it is he whom Švejk has to collect from the brothel in a totally drunken state. Švejk looks for somewhere for the soldiers to sleep and, by a lake, he finds a Russian uniform left on the bank by a bathing soldier, which he puts on. Only great fortune saves him from punishment by death for high treason. Švejk's division comes under heavy fire. When the firing dies down, a smiling Švejk emerges from a hole made by a grenade.
For part one, see The Good Soldier Švejk.
vojín Josef Švejk
nadporučík Jindřich Lukáš
generálmajor von Schwarzburg
Flanderka, četnický strážmistr v Putimi
četnický závodčí v Putimi
starý ovčák
starý tulák
bába Pejzlarka
obrst Schröder
hejtman Ságner
poručík Dub
obecní blázen Pepek Vyskoč
četnický rytmistr König
babička v Putimi
poručík nádražní kontroly v Táboře
maďarský infanterista
muž platící za Švejka pokutu
průvodčí ve vlaku
kadet Biegler
feldvébl Vaněk
pucflek Baloun
kuchař Jurajda
Kunert, Dubův vojenský sluha
hejtman Tayerle
důstojník v zajateckém táboře major Wolf
generál Fink von Finkenstein
major auditor
Rampa, četník v Putimi
dáma v nevěstinci v Sanoku
dáma v nevěstinci v Sanoku
majitel nevěstince v Sanoku
Dubova prostitutka v Sanoku
žena v bílém kabátu a černém klobouku v Táboře
železničář hlásící vlaky v Táboře
Palánek, kaprál v Táboře
farář v Putimi
důstojník ve vlaku
důstojník ve vlaku
poddůstojník u soudu
přednosta stanice v Táboře
důstojník u soudu
vojenská stráž u soudu
důstojník na nádraží v Sanoku
voják, Jurajdův pomocník
voják, Jurajdův pomocník
důstojník předávající telegram u soudu
četnický závodčí v Písku
dáma v nevěstinci v Sanoku
houslista v nevěstinci v Sanoku
Jaroslav Hašek (Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka za světové války – román)
Václav Dobeš
dr. Stanislav Langr (vojenství)
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín)
Song Composer lidová slovenská píseň
Writer of Lyrics Samo Tomášik
Singer Rudolf HrušínskýJaroslav MarvanFanda Mrázek
Singer Fanda Mrázek
Singer Fanda Mrázek
Singer mužský sbor
Poslušně hlásím
Poslušně hlásím
Že jsem opět zde!
Beg to Report
That I am Here Again!
Beg to Report, Sir
Dobrý voják Švejk II.
featuretheatrical distribution
anti-war, comedy, satire, war
projection approval 16 November 1957
withdrawal from distribution 1 November 1982
withdrawal from distribution 1 August 1993
preview 27 December 1957 (kino Sevastopol /1 týden/, Praha)
premiere 3 January 1958 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Lucerna /5 týdnů/, Metro /3 týdny/, Vzlet /1 týden od 10. 1./, Oko /1 týden od 17. 1./, Dukla /1 týden od 24. 1./, Kyjev /1 týden od 24. 1./, Arbes /1 týden od 31. 1./ a Flora /1 týden od 31. 1./, Praha)
renewed premiere 1 April 1983 /inaccessible for youths/
renewed premiere 5 May 2016 /suitable for all ages without limit/
Ústřední půjčovna filmů (původní 1958 a obnovená 1983), Národní filmový archiv (obnovená 2016)
Tvůrčí skupina Feix – Daniel, František Daniel (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Karel Feix (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
92 min
2 610 meters
16mm, 35mm, DCP 2-D, BRD
Czech, German, Hungarian
without subtitles
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