A man and a woman reach for the same item in a self-service shop. They start apologizing to each other and insisting that the other take it. The action is interrupted and the lecturer warns that the relationships between people are not always that idyllic. A shop assistant doesn't know who to serve first. The man and the woman from the previous scene are yelling at each other and at him and are trying to have their way. Then the lecturer demonstrates another example of abuse. A saleswoman he knows saved the apparently sold out goods for him. The lecturer returns her favour with a box of candies and thus emphasizes the idea of how the people pay with other goods for the goods in short supply. The next small scene happens in a shop selling fabrics. A choosy customer forces the salesman to bring all the rolls of material onto the counter. She is finally satisfied and asks for fifteen centimetres of the chosen material to make a tie for her husband. The exhausted salesman is eating bread with dripping while working. The model who is presenting a new dress has a mark of an oily hand on her back.
lektor/prodavač textilu
prodavač potravin
prodavačka oděvů Hedvička
zákaznice v textilu
muž s knihou
O lidech před pultem a za ním II.
O lidech před pultem a za ním II.
About the People on Both Sides of the Counter II
Lidé za pultem II
featuretheatrical distribution
educational, satire
projection approval 1958
premiere 20 June 1958 /suitable for youths/ (kina Lucerna /2 týdny/, Veletrhy /1 týden/ a Revoluce /1 týden od 27. 6./, Praha)
no caption
Krátký film Praha, Studio dokumentárních a zpravodajských filmů, Ministerstvo vnitřního obchodu ČSR (zadavatel)
short film
12 min
352 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles