Engineer Štěrba has had a motorcycle crash. The surgeons in the hospital fight for his life. Štěrba's co-workers from the Žofie Mine are all agog for the news. The story flashes back. Three days ago Štěrba was visited by the young engineer Vochoč who proposed to him a plan of how to use the old galleries. Štěrba turns down the plan, considering it a pure nonsense. Feeling lonely, with a wife cheating on him, and blind to the devotion of the copyist Vilma, he prefers alcohol. He is arrogant and unable to defend his opinions appropriately. Despite the ban, Vochoč with several miners nevertheless decides to realize the plan and goes down into the pit. At the same time, Štěrba is visited by his former teacher Hron. After a long time, the lonely engineer can have a sincere conversation. He himself used to be as enthusiastic as Vochoč; he even attempted to realize a similar plan. But there was an accident in the old galleries in which a man died. Štěrba got a suspension of a sentence, was expelled from the Party and transferred to a subordinate position. Despite that he kept submitting new proposals. But nobody trusted in him anymore; he started to drink and became estranged from his wife. He does not want Vochoč to ruin his life in a similar way. There is a cave-in in the mine. Štěrba dautnlessly manages the rescue operations. Trying to prevent the zealous miner Palivec from reporting the tragedy, he has the motorcycle crash. But now he is not alone any more and everybody is relieved to hear from Vilma that their engineer will live.
důlní inženýr Alexandr Štěrba
písařka Vilma Hádlová
Jana, Štěrbova žena
důlní měřička Eliška
Ing. Hron
Ing. Radim Vochoč
Karel Habrna, předseda ZV KSČ
František Palivec
Vratislav Brousek, okresní tajemník KSČ
Antonín Kaláb, zástupce podnikového ředitelství
účetní Houkal
Ing. Janda
náměstek na hospodářské správě
elegantní kádrovák
starší inženýr
dělnický kádrovák
sekretářka Jiřina
vychrtlý mladík
přísedící ve výboru
mladý lékař
vedoucí záchranné čety
muž u psacího stolu
havíř s dynamitem
přítel Jany
muž u psacího stolu
inženýr Šoulek
sekretářka náměstka na hospodářské správě
Josef Pechar, Miroslav Sinkule, Miroslav Ondříček
Karel Baštýř, Josef Pavlík
František Štěpánek
inž. Miroslav Šimůnek
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín)
Zde jsou lvi
Zde jsou lvi
Scars of the Past
featuretheatrical distribution
drama, psychological
literary Screenplay approved 12 June 1957
technical Screenplay approved 13 August 1957
start of filming 18 September 1957
end of filming 29 December 1957
projection approval 15 May 1958
withdrawal from distribution 1959 (staženo k úpravě)
withdrawal from distribution 6 April 1973
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1991
preview 1 August 1958 (kino Sevastopol /1 týden/, Praha)
premiere 8 August 1958 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Blaník /4 týdny/, Veletrhy /1 týden/ a Vzlet /1 týden od 28. 8./, Praha)
renewed premiere 1 April 1987 /inaccessible for youths/
Ústřední půjčovna filmů (původní 1958 a obnovená 1987)
Tvůrčí skupina Feix – Daniel, František Daniel (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Karel Feix (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
89 min
2 529 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles