The first violinist Karel Mašek is a drunkard, and so is the engineer Danda and other regular guests of the pub 'U Kroců' - Taupe and Rendl. Mašek is coming back from the pub early in the morning, promising his wife that he will stop drinking. But he arrives at the orchestra rehearsal drunk again, and the other musicians refuse to play with him. Danda returns home without his briefcase and goes back to the pub 'U Kroců' in the morning, even though he has an important meeting at work. He is suspended to a subordinate position, but he doesn't admit that at home. His daughter wants to get married, his son got drunk and spent the night in the detention centre. Mašek also didn't say at home that he lost his job. He sold his violin to Rendl, persuaded his wife that he was going on a concert tour, and went to his old love Magda. Danda wants to sell his villa to cover the debts. Taupe has already drunk his entire property away, and gone crazy. Rendl finds Mašek in Magda's apartment and is blackmailing Magda. He has a quarrel with the drunk Danda and to make him ridiculous partly cuts his hair. Then he tells Ms Mašková where her husband is. Ms Mašková comes to the flat to see for herself. Mašek is hiding in the light shaft but he falls and kills himself. Danda's family is organizing an engagement party. Danda arrives with his hair cut. The atmosphere of the engagement helps him make the decision to solve the situation and to voluntarily go for anti-alcoholism treatment.
inženýr Jindřich Danda
houslista Karel Mašek
Božka, Maškova žena
překupník Rendl
vinárník Kroc
Berta, Dandova žena
Jiřina, dcera Dandových
Jaroslav, Jiřinin snoubenec
Láďa, syn Dandových
Magda Řeháková, dcera starožitníka
podivín Taupe, bývalý továrník
holič A. Zemánek
dr. Ventura
Venturova žena
tajemník Fiala
Monti, zahraniční zákazník
dirigent Bohumil Petržílka
zákaznice v starožitnictví
muž zákaznice
host ve vinárně
host ve vinárně
Karel, host ve vinárně
přítel manželů Venturových
příslušník SNB
pacient protialkoholické léčebny
svačinář v úřadě
železničář na ulici
kupec Dandova domu
Maškův kolega z orchestru
host ve vinárně
host ve vinárně
Ladislav Rada, Eva Slívová
MUDr. Jaroslav Skála
Niccolo Paganini (Koncert pro housle D dur), Sergej Rachmaninov
FISYO (Music Conducted by František BelfínMilivoj Uzelac), Ivan Kawaciuk
Song Composer lidová starofrancouzská píseňJiří Straka /úprava/
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Straka
Singer Stella ZázvorkováL. H. StrunaFanda Mrázek
Dnes naposled
Dnes naposled
Today for the Last Time
Byla to veselá parta
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 8 January 1958
technical Screenplay approved 13 February 1958
start of filming 18 March 1958
end of filming 19 June 1958
projection approval 29 August 1958
withdrawal from distribution 30 November 1969
preview 13 December 1958 (kino Sevastopol /1 týden/, Praha)
premiere 25 December 1958 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Pasáž /4 týdny/, Vzlet /1 týden/, Flora /½ týdne od 31. 12./, Svornost /1 týden od 9. 1. 1959/ a Veletrhy /1 týden od 16. 1. 1959/, Praha)
Tvůrčí skupina Šmída – Kunc, František Břetislav Kunc (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Bohumil Šmída (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
96 min
2 734 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles