Based on a literary work by author Jan Otčenášek, this 1959 love story is set against the backdrop of the oppressive reign of Nazi Protectorate Reich-Protector Reinhard Heydrich. In the spring of 1942, student Pavel Rumler hides in his attic a Jewish girl called Hanka Ledererová, who has managed to escape the forced transports. The young couple fall in love, but Pavel is unable to protect his secret love from the earth-shattering events taking place in the world outside. Made by director Jiří Weiss, Romeo, Julie a tma (Romeo, Juliet and Darkness) skilfully evokes the climate of wartime fear suffocating this star-crossed couple. Slovak actor Ivan Mistrík gained a major break in the role of Pavel. Dana Smutná plays Hanka in her onscreen debut. Additionally, experienced actress Blanka Bohdanová plays Miss Kubiasová, a traitorous betrayer, who easily forgets her patriotic duties while wrapped in the arms of a German Nazi officer.
It's May 1942. The Jewish Wurm family is being taken away in a transport. Their neighbour, student Pavel Rumler, is one of the rare people to bid them good-bye and he promises to look after the guinea-pig which they are leaving behind. In the empty flat he meets the Jewish girl Hanka who came to visit her relatives and missed them. She escaped the transport and was looking for help from the Wurm family. Pavel hides the girl in an attic closet. Miss Kubiasová, a German officer's mistress, moves into the Wurm family's flat. Pavel doesn't confide in his widowed mother or his grandfather and secretly takes food to Hanka. In the difficult times after the assassination of Heydrich Pavel's secret is putting the lives of the entire family and neighbours in danger. The young people's relationship grows into love. Miss Kubiasová who is openly flirting with Pavel guesses what his secret is and visits his mother because of this. Pavel wants to protect Hanka and the railwayman Souček is willing to help. But it's already too late. Martial law has been proclaimed in Prague and the church in which the assassins are hiding is very near the house. After Kubiasová's hysterical scene Hanka runs out to the street. Despairing Pavel tries to prevent her but in vain; standing behind the door, all he hears is a burst of a sub-machine gun fire.
student Pavel Rumler
židovská dívka Hanka Ledererová
krejčová Jarmila Rumlerová, Pavlova matka
hodinář Mrázek, Pavlův dědeček
Alena Doležalová, Pavlova spolužačka
švadlena Josefka
třídní učitel
ředitel gymnázia
zákaznice Kubrychtová
železničář Souček
tiskař Melichar, Pavlův soused
Melicharova žena
Vojta Nerad, Pavlův spolužák
německý důstojník, milenec Kubiasové
soused Wurm
Wurmova žena
Martička, dcera Wurmových
sousedka Tichá
Irena, přítelkyně Kubiasové
selka Anči
Jan Bubeník, Pavlův spolužák
Pavlův spolužák
Jan Otčenášek (Romeo, Julie a tma – novela)
Karel Ješátko (fotograf)
Song Composer Sláva Eman Nováček
Writer of Lyrics Josef Gruss
Singer Blanka Bohdanová
Romeo, Julie a tma
Romeo, Julie a tma
Romeo, Juliet and Darkness
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 22 April 1959
start of filming 29 July 1959
end of filming 11 November 1959
projection approval 3 February 1960
withdrawal from distribution 31 March 1976
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1992
preview 8 April 1960 (kino Sevastopol /1 týden/, Praha)
premiere 15 April 1960 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Pasáž /3 týdny/ a Mír /1 týden od 22. 4./, Praha)
renewed premiere 1 May 1989 /suitable for youths/
Ústřední půjčovna filmů (původní 1960 a obnovená 1989)
Tvůrčí skupina Novotný – Kubala, Bedřich Kubala (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Ladislav Novotný (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
92 min
2 630 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
Czech, German
without subtitles
Event: Anketa Svazu polských filmových novinářů a kritiků Syrenki 1961
Varšava / Poland
Event: Syrenky 1961 – Ceny Svazu polských filmových novinářů 1961
Varšava / Poland
Festival: 3. festival českých a slovenských filmů Ostrava
Ostrava / Czechoslovakia
Exhibition: 3. světová přehlídka filmových festivalů Mexico City
Mexiko City / Mexico
Festival: 8. mezinárodní filmový festival San Sebastián
San Sebastián / Spain
Festival: 4. mezinárodní filmový festival San Francisco
San Francisco / United States of America
Jiří Weiss
Festival: 8. mezinárodní filmový festival San Sebastián
San Sebastián / Spain
Jiří Weiss
Festival: 4. mezinárodní filmový festival Londýn
Londýn / Great Britain
Festival: 4. mezinárodní filmový festival San Francisco
San Francisco / United States of America
Jan Otčenášek
Festival: 1. mezinárodní filmový festival Porretta Terme
Porretta Terme / Italy
Festival: 14. mezinárodní filmový festival Edinburgh
Edinburgh / Great Britain
Event: 2. soutěž o nejlepší filmovou fotografii roku 1959
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Karel Ješátko