Martin Souček is driving back to his home village Velká Samota in South Moravia to fetch his bride Anna Malcová, the daughter of the only independent smallholder in the village. After his arrival, he realizes that the farming cooperative which he helped build years ago is in decline. After a short struggle with himself, he announces that he will not return to the Ministry and that he will help get the cooperative back on its feet. Even the wedding with Anna has to be put aside. After he is voted in as chairman of the cooperative, he installs a strict working routine: punishment for drinking, not obeying work discipline and theft. His non-compromising attitude brings him complete isolation. The entire village turns away from him and even Anna breaks up with him. The cooperative is prospering under Martin's rule but he is lonely and secretly starts drinking. Slightly drunk, he drives away a young cooperative couple bringing him a harvest celebration wreath. That is when the people, pleased by their good earnings, realize how wrong they were about Martin all year, and they accept him among themselves again. The suffering Anna makes a decision as well. She leaves her father and the toil in his fields and sets off after the neighbours who are in the cooperative. Perhaps she will also find her way to Martin.
Martin Souček, předseda JZD
Anna Malcová, Součkova snoubenka
soukromník Cyril Malec, Annin otec
družstevník Anton Sláma, Martinův strýc
František Kaláb, bývalý předseda JZD
Součková, Martinova matka
družstevnice Křístková
stařeček Esterka
družstevní kočí Ferenc
učitel Hort
družstevník Houfek
předseda ONV
družstevník Kučera
družstevník Bojanovský
Eliška, Ferencova dcera
mladý družstevník
Ivan Kříž (Velká samota – román)
Jiří Rulík, František Rieger
Jiří Pavlík, Bohumír Brunclík (zvukové efekty)
Ludmila Venclíková, Olga Mimrová
Čeněk Hlaváček, Jakub Zemánek, prof. dr. Václav Vážný (jazykový poradce)
Josef Pražák (vrchní osvětlovač), Miroslav Pešan (fotograf)
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín), Soubor Krajského střediska lidové kultury ve Strážnici (Music Conducted by Slávek Volavý)
Song Composer František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Writer of Lyrics František Hřebačka-Mikulecký
Singer sbor
Singer Samuel Adamčík
Velká samota
Velká samota
Great Solitude
featuretheatrical distribution
drama, social
literary Screenplay approved 9 July 1958
technical Screenplay approved 30 August 1958
start of filming 18 October 1958
end of filming 3 September 1959
projection approval 4 December 1959
withdrawal from distribution 6 April 1973
preview 8 January 1960 (kino Sevastopol /1 týden/, Praha)
premiere 15 January 1960 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Jalta /2 týdny/, Kyjev /½ týdne/, Orlík /½ týdne/, Flora /1 týden/ a Arbes /½ týdne od 22. 1./, Praha)
Tvůrčí skupina Šmída – Kunc, František Břetislav Kunc (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Bohumil Šmída (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
109 min
3 111 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles
Festival: 2. festival československého filmu Plzeň
Plzeň / Czechoslovakia
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