Law student Lída Matysová enters an empty apartment. She tries to make a phone-call but the line has been cut off. Lída turns the gas on fully and lies down to die. A man wearing a judge's gown appears in the room and starts asking Lída and people close to her questions, which should clarify why the young woman decided to solve her situation in such a tragic way. In Brno, some five years ago, Lída used to go out with Petr Petrus but their relationship broke up when the girl moved to Prague with her mother. Senior lecturer Petrus got married and had a son. Lída became engaged to the engineer Stibor after some time. On the day before Lída's wedding, the ex-lovers meet at the Faculty of Law, where Petr has come to teach. The old love burns again and Lída doesn't make it to her wedding. Everyone is shocked by this relationship of a married man with his own student. Lída parts with Stibor who, through his mother, causes a scandal at the Faculty. Lída's mother goes looking for Petrus's wife in Brno and brings her to Prague. Petrus, who doesn't want to lose his child, stops supporting Lída. The man in the gown persuades Lída to think it all over. The stupefied girl staggers towards the window; it is already too late.
studentka Lída Matysová
docent JUDr. Petr Petrus
Ing. Milan Stibor, Lídin snoubenec
soudce v taláru
rentgenoložka MUDr. Lída Petrusová
Milada Matysová, Lídina matka
Vendulka Stiborová, Milanova matka
studentka Majka, Lídina kamarádka
operní tenor Otomar, muž Lídiny matky
děkan právnické fakulty
poslanec profesor Drvota
dr. Král, Petrův přítel
strýc Rudolf Vaněk
teta, Vaňkova žena
vrchní číšník v kavárně
vedoucí květinářství
hlídač v parku
ceremoniář na radnici
žena na nádraží
muž na nádraží
divák na hokeji
divák na hokeji
divák koncertu
prodavačka v květinářství
dívka v tramvaji
Zdenka Pešulová, René Mattes
Pavel Kohout (Taková láska – divadelní hra)
Ota Janeček (umělecká spolupráce), Karel Ješátko (fotograf)
Ludwig van Beethoven (Sonáta f moll /Appassionata/), Georges Bizet (Carmen /árie Květinová – Květ onen z ruky tvé/)
Song Composer Jaroslav Ježek
Taková láska
Taková láska
featuretheatrical distribution
drama, psychological
literary Screenplay approved 12 March 1958
start of filming 24 July 1958
technical Screenplay approved 12 August 1958
end of filming 10 December 1958
projection approval 28 April 1959
withdrawal from distribution 19 April 1973
preview 30 May 1959 (kino Sevastopol, Praha /jednorázové uvedení v rámci Přehlídky nových českých filmů/)
preview 25 September 1959 (kino Sevastopol /1 týden/, Praha)
premiere 2 October 1959 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Jalta /4 týdny/, Flora /1 týden/, Mír /1 týden/, Oko /1 týden/, Revoluce /1 týden/, Svornost /1 týden/, Vzlet /1 týden/ a Arbes /1 týden od 23. 10./, Praha)
Tvůrčí skupina Feix – Daniel, František Daniel (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Karel Feix (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
75 min
2 149 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles
Festival: 10. filmový festival pracujících
22 měst / Czechoslovakia
Marie Tomášová
Event: 1. soutěž o nejlepší filmovou fotografii roku 1958
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Karel Ješátko
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