Tuberculosis' patients are treated in a big sanatorium surrounded by a park. The recovery process is long and each Sunday many patients ask in vain for a permit to go and see their families. The head physician, however, can only let out those who are almost healed. Young teacher Jana is unhappy because the illness prevented her from practicing her profession. But in the sanatorium she falls in love with Jindra who was a technical college student before he became ill. They are planning a future together. Because of Jana, Jindra has no time for his friend Tůma who gives him additional lessons and whose condition is rapidly worsening. Tůma still manages to learn Spanish so he can go abroad to work on a project. Patient Franta goes to visit his family in Prague in secret. On his return at night he notices a funeral car driving away Tůma who gave in to the illness. Jana, who is already healthy, is going to be released. She wants to spend the last Sunday in Prague with Jindra and he leaves the sanatorium without permission. Jindra underestimates his condition and on his return ends up in the intensive care unit. The head physician still believes he will recover, however, Jindra has to respect the treatment rules. So the doctor advises Jana to restrict her visits to the sanatorium.
učitelka Jana Holečková
průmyslovák Jindra Valenta
primář sanatoria
pacient Josef Tůma zvaný Španělák
pacient Franta Farták
pacient Voves, Jindrův kamarád
babička pacientka
vrchní zdravotní sestra
zdravotní sestra
děda pacient
pacient Venca Čermák
ochotnický režisér
Janin otec
cizí pacient
zřízenec v sanatoriu
zdravotní sestra
sanitář s vozíkem
zdravotní sestra
pacientka Dočkalová
muž na ulici
Jiří Rulík
MUDr. Oskar Boleček, MUDr. Josef Ungr
Josef Vítek (fotograf)
Song Composer Alfredo Nascimento
Writer of Lyrics Alfredo NascimentoSlavomír Šindelka
Singer mužský sbor
Singer sbor
Singer sbor
Sny na neděli
Sny na neděli
Dreams for Sunday
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 31 May 1958
technical Screenplay approved 18 July 1958
start of filming 15 August 1958
end of filming 18 December 1958
projection approval 27 March 1959
withdrawal from distribution 28 February 1969
preview 1 June 1959 (kino Sevastopol, Praha /jednorázové uvedení v rámci Přehlídky nových českých filmů/)
preview 14 August 1959 (kino Sevastopol /1 týden/, Praha)
premiere 28 August 1959 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Metro /2 týdny/, Arbes /1 týden/, Revoluce /1 týden/, Svornost /1 týden/, Vzlet /1 týden/, Radost /½ týdne/ a Jiskra /1 týden/, Praha)
Tvůrčí skupina Hanuš – Träger, Ladislav Hanuš (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny), Josef Träger (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
79 min
2 258 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles
Event: 2. soutěž o nejlepší filmovou fotografii roku 1959
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Josef Vítek