May 1945. Soviet tanks arrive in Prague through the streets of Vyšehrad. One of the young tank drivers talks to the mother of little Vašek and proudly shows her a photograph of himself with his own son whom he has not seen for three years. Shots are fired and the tank driver returns to his post. Vašek is left holding the photograph. Eleven years pass, Vašek is now thirteen and he wants to return the photograph. He plans to win a pioneer competition - the prize for the winner is a trip to Odessa where, according to the stamp on the photograph, the unknown tank driver comes from. The disappointed Vašek only comes second and he asks the winner, Alena Hrušková, to return the photograph for him. Along with the winners from Moravia and Slovakia, Petr and Laco, she is placed with a tourist group. Alena is hoping that she will get help from Marina, a girl from Odessa, with whom she has only been corresponding until now. Marina does find help. The photograph is to be printed in the regional paper. Alena also receives assistance from war veterans from the military sanatorium. She discovers that the tank driver, Nikitin, died in Prague. The young sailor Kostya, the tank driver's son, has the same photograph; he finds out his real name and, after all these years, meets his mother again who had thought him dead. The pioneer's efforts thus have a happy ending.
učitelka Jiřina Mačková
pionýrka Alena Hrušková
moravský pionýr Petr Hlabazňa
slovenský pionýr Laco Markus
vedoucí zájezdu Tureček
turista s lupou
mladý turista
turista reportér
pionýr Vašek Kalabis
Vaškův otec
Vaškova matka
letec generál Safronov
tankista Stěpan Andrejevič Nikitin
drezér Margeljan
námořník Kosťa Petrov, vlastním jménem Nikitin
Marina, Alenina kamarádka
starší žena u krytu
stařík u krytu
Vladimíra Vlková, Irina Safarova
Vladimír Mácha, Jan Vrňata
Pavel Jelínek, Dmitrij Bělevič
Radij Muchin, Jaroslav Vlk
Orchestr Hlavní správy kinematografie SSSR (Music Conducted by Grigorij Gamburg)
Přátelé na moři
Přátelé na moři
Friends Travelling on Sea
Potěrjannaja fotografija
featuretheatrical distribution
Czechoslovakia, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
literary Screenplay approved 18 June 1958
start of filming 26 May 1959
technical Screenplay approved 5 June 1959
end of filming 16 November 1959
projection approval 18 March 1960
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1975
premiere 30 May 1960 /suitable for youths/ (kina Belvedere /1 týden/ a Sevastopol /1 týden od 24. 6./, Praha)
Tvůrčí skupina Hanuš – Pavlíček, Ladislav Hanuš (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny), František Pavlíček (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
74 min
2 093 meters
16mm, 35mm
Czech, Russian
Festival: 2. festival československého filmu Plzeň
Plzeň / Czechoslovakia
Lev Kulidžanov
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