Jan Drda belongs among those favourite authors whose books were turned into films – mainly fairytales in his case. Along with the film adaptations of Zdeněk Troška (O princezně Jasněnce a létajícím ševci [Princess Brightness and the Flying Shoemaker], Z pekla štěstí [Helluva Good Luck], Nejkrásnější hádanka [The Loveliest Riddle]), this comedy shot in 1959 by the experienced Martin Frič (who in the same year introduced another of his fairytale projects to cinemas, namely Princezna se zlatou hvězdou [The Princess with the Golden Star]) has also gained favour with viewers. In the stylised story, Jiří Sovák plays the poor mine worker Dařbuján, who for his twelfth descendant chooses a scythe, consequently Death (Václav Lohniský), as a godfather. Death helps Dařbuján to become a rich doctor, who with the secret help of his miracle-working godfather can guess what ails each patient. But the mean and wealthy Pandrhola (Rudolf Hrušínský), whom Dařbuján gets involved with, decides to get rid of Death and imprisons it. The absence of the Grim Reaper in the world thus causes a series of comical catastrophes.
A stork brings Markýtka and Kuba Dařbuján their twelfth child. Kuba is a hard-working miner but money is very short. In vain Kuba asks the rich fat brewer Pandrhola to give him a little bit of the draff to make porridge for his hungry children. Looking for someone as godfather to his daughter, Kuba refuses both God and the Devil, because he considers them both unjust to people. So the man with a scythe - Death - becomes the godfather, because he applies the same standard to all alike. As a christening present, Kuba is given a healing ability. Kuba leaves his mining work and proclaims himself a doctor. At the beginning, he is laughed at, but after he heals the paralysed Matěj, he becomes a popular healer. He lets the rich pay him well and helps the poor. Then, Pandrhola falls very ill. Kuba refuses to heal him, but finally, the ridiculous conditions he had set as a joke are fulfilled: there are sausages on the trees and there is beer running instead of water in the brook. Despite Death's prohibition Kuba heals the brewer. The healed Pandrhola shuts Death into a barrel. People and animals stop dying. The witless and fastidious brewer has no meat on his table, and so he releases Death from the barrel. Pandrhola's life is taken with one single stroke of the scythe in return. Kuba, from whom Death took away his gift of healing, returns to mining.
havíř a léčitel Kuba Dařbuján
Markýtka, Dařbujánova žena
sládek Pandrhola
Pandrholova žena
havíř Matěj Klofát
Marijánka, Klofátova žena
kmotr Smrťák
stařeček Pánbůh
děda Pšuk
krupař Johan Bašta
Filoména, krupařova žena
Verunka, dcera pláteníkových
děvečka Anka
havíř klarinetista
koktavý doktor
hostinský na Kocandě
havíř, otec nemocného dítěte
havířova žena, matka nemocného dítěte
havířská žena
havířská žena
havířská žena
havířská žena
porodní bába
havíř Choura
syn Dařbujánových
kočí Vojta
děvečka od pláteníkových
Pšukova žena
pomocník u krupaře
hospodský z Ouběnic
matka nemocného dítěte
Jan Drda (Dařbuján a Pandrhola – pohádka z knihy České pohádky)
Ludmila Tikovská, František Jaderník
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín)
Singer Stanislav Neumannsbor
Singer Jiří Sovák
Singer sbor
Singer Jiří SovákVáclav Lohniský
Dařbuján a Pandrhola
Dařbuján a Pandrhola
Dařbuján and Pandrhola
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 11 June 1959
technical Screenplay approved 8 July 1959
start of filming 29 July 1959
end of filming 11 December 1959
projection approval 25 February 1960
withdrawal from distribution 30 June 1995
preview 3 June 1960 (kino Sevastopol /1 týden/, Praha)
premiere 10 June 1960 /suitable for youths/ (kina Lucerna /4 týdny/, Arbes /1 týden/, Dukla /1 týden/, Flora /1 týden/, Jiskra /1 týden/, Oko /1 týden/, Svornost /1 týden/, Vzlet /1 týden/, Práce /½ týdne od 17. 6./, Varšava /1 týden od 24. 6./ a Odboj /1 týden od 1. 7./, Praha)
Tvůrčí skupina Brož – Ptáček, Miloš Brož (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Jaromír Ptáček (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
79 min
2 236 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles