After his graduation ceremony, the young doctor Mirek Vodák would gladly stay in Prague with his fiancee Eva. His attempts to get higher officials to intervene are to no avail and he has to go to Lužany near Sušice to take the place of the local doctor Mrázek who is retiring. Mrázek has heart problems but he is self-sacrificing and cares for his patients very much. He is Mirek's big supporter and introduces him to the people. The young doctor feels very lonely and only gradually wins the trust of the local people. He becomes close with the young woman Olga, who works in the post-office and whose husband, a teacher, is very busy with his work and many other duties. Eva, who is a successful professional swimmer, refuses to go to the village with Mirek. Her visit to Lužany doesn't go well. Eva isn't pleased with the fact that Mirek isn't trying to get back to Prague. They have a fight and she goes home. Mrázek is taken to the hospital after a serious heart attack and Mirek must handle all the duties alone. In a dramatic situation, he saves the life of a young tractor driver shocked by an electric current. He spends New Year's Eve in Prague with Eva and refuses a favoured position as a doctor in Kladno. He goes back to Lužany and to the people whom he grew fond of and whom he wants to help. He hopes that Eva will understand and join him one day.
The film was distributed to Czech cinemas along with the film National Artist Zdeněk Štěpánek (1960) by Otakar Vávra.
MUDr. Emil Mrázek
MUDr. Mirek Vodák
Eva Filipová, Mirkova snoubenka
poštovní úřednice Olga Řeháková
učitel Řehák, Olžin muž
zdravotní sestra Tonička Pešková
traktorista Lojza Pošvář
poštovní úřednice Líba, Lojzova dívka
Pošvářová, Lojzova matka
Boženka, Evina matka
Václav Bouda, předseda JZD
Boudova žena
účetní JZD Šimon
simulant Bedřich Pacák
Pacákova žena
strýc Arnošt
děda Herout
Voice by Jan Pohan
trenér plavání Kučera
krajský referent
listonoš Pepíček
student při promoci
profesor Jirsa
MUDr. Zaplétal
družstevník Krejčí
Milan Kadlec, Věra Vláčilová, Anna Lackovičová, Vlasta Kolbasová
Pavel Jelínek, Bohumír Brunclík (zvukové efekty)
Václav Dobeš, František Jaderník
MUDr. Naděžda Steinhilberová
Pavel Dias (fotograf)
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín)
Všude žijí lidé
Všude žijí lidé
People Are Everywhere
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 16 December 1959
technical Screenplay approved 15 February 1960
start of filming 23 February 1960
end of filming 12 July 1960
projection approval 20 September 1960
withdrawal from distribution 1 April 1966
preview 9 December 1960 (kino Sevastopol /1 týden/, Praha)
premiere 16 December 1960 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Flora /1 týden/, Lucerna /3 týdny od 23. 12./, Dukla /1 týden od 23. 12./, Radost /1 týden od 23. 12./, Kyjev /1 týden od 30. 12./, Orlík /1 týden od 30. 12./, Varšava /1 týden od 20. 12./, Jiskra /1 týden od 6. 1. 1961/ a Vzlet /1 týden od 6. 1. 1961/, Praha)
Tvůrčí skupina Šebor – Bor, Vladimír Bor (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Jiří Šebor (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
92 min
2 612 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles
Festival: 3. festival českých a slovenských filmů Ostrava
Ostrava / Czechoslovakia
Festival: 9. mezinárodní filmový festival San Sebastián
San Sebastián / Spain
Štěpán Skalský
Festival: 3. festival českých a slovenských filmů Ostrava
Ostrava / Czechoslovakia
Festival: 9. mezinárodní filmový festival San Sebastián
San Sebastián / Spain
Jiří Hanibal
Event: Státní ceny za rok 1960
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Československý film