The Zbudovo moors in South Bohemia are meant to become the "seventh continent" of fertile land. For the moment, the employed workers and the volunteers are encountering only mud and rain in their drainage work. Moreover, the work is constantly affected by their personal problems. Old excavator operator Rubeš has difficulties with his oilman Vašek who from time to time forgets to do some things. This is why Rubeš is not very pleased when his daughter Věra starts seeing Vašek, and even joins the voluntary work just to be closer to him. Rubeš can't forget his other oilman Kolafa who some time ago ran away from him because of his somewhat strict teaching methods. Kolafa now joins the work on the moors as an independent excavator operator. Míša, the young girlfriend of Kolafa's oilman Pepík, comes to the moors with the next group of volunteers. Pepík is treating the girl as his possession and his relationship to her is frivolous. The disappointed Míša is becoming more and more attracted to Kolafa. In time, Rubeš changes his mind about Vašek and even looks after him when the young man falls ill. The never ending rain is paralyzing the work, people are making very little money and they want to leave. When the excavators get stuck in the mud and are in danger of getting ruined, however, they all join together to save them.
bagrista Antonín Rubeš
mazač Vašek
bagrista Karel Kolafa
mazač Pepík
Věra, Rubešova dcera
Rudolf Šamoník
brigádnice Milada Stárková zvaná Míša
stavbyvedoucí Toušl
brigádník Emil
brigádník Kábrt
děda Vincek Kotýnek
předseda JZD
František, Šamoníkův syn
Miloš, Šamoníkův syn
Šána, předseda KSČ
Rubešova žena
Karel Kočí, Jaroslava Vilímková
Adolf Nacházel, Bohumír Brunclík (zvukové efekty)
Petr Čapek, Jaromír Lukáš
Ing. Emil Hřídel, plk. Alois Bíca, Bohumil Kočer, Eduard Vondrys
Jaroslav Chlasták (fotograf), Kolektiv ČSM Filmového studia Barrandov
Jiří Jirmal /kytara/, Karel Moravec
Song Composer Evžen Illín
Writer of Lyrics Zdeněk Borovec
Singer skupina divadla Semafor
Singer sbor
Singer Waldemar MatuškaKarel Štědrý
Singer Stanislav Fišer
Singer Waldemar MatuškaKarel ŠtědrýKarel Brožeksbor
Sedmý kontinent
Sedmý kontinent
The Seventh Continent
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 27 January 1960
technical Screenplay approved 10 April 1960
start of filming 29 April 1960
end of filming 29 September 1960
projection approval 22 December 1960
withdrawal from distribution 1 April 1966
withdrawal from distribution 30 April 1973
premiere 17 March 1961 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)
preview 17 March 1961 (kino Sevastopol /1 týden/, Praha)
premiere 24 March 1961 /suitable for youths/ (kina Flora /1 týden/, Paříž /1 týden/ a Kyjev /1 týden od 31. 3./, Praha)
Tvůrčí skupina Šmída – Fikar, Ladislav Fikar (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Bohumil Šmída (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
82 min
2 334 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles
Festival: 3. festival českých a slovenských filmů Ostrava
Ostrava / Czechoslovakia
Event: Umělecká soutěž k 15. výročí osvobození Československé republiky a zrodu lidově-demokratické ČSR
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Ota Hofman
Event: Umělecká soutěž k 15. výročí osvobození Československé republiky a zrodu lidově-demokratické ČSR
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Václav Gajer
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