The American spy headquarters in West Germany are interested in information concerning Czechoslovak commercial activities in the Middle East. Agent Rudolf Karlík is forming a network of local agents in Prague. He tries to get his former friend Šimek, who served as a radio operator in the army, to work for him transmitting reports abroad. Engineer Jan Šimek, who lives and works in Ústí nad Labem, has just taken his wife to the maternity hospital. Karlík's visit takes him unawares and he refuses to work for him. Šimek had once got hold of some finances to help Karlík emigrate and the latter is now using this to blackmail him. Šimek had long since changed his views but is now forced to send out Karlík's reports. Counter-intelligence services start to seek out the transmitter. Šimek, however, decides to tell the secret police everything. He agrees to continue transmitting so that the entire network can be tracked down. Employees at the Fifth Division of the Interior Ministry prepare a trap which gradually brings Karlík and his colleagues out into the open. He is arrested along with a foreign trade employee who had been providing the reports. Engineer Šimek and his young wife are left to care for their new-born son in peace.
inženýr Jan Šimek
špion Rudolf Karlík alias Pilař
kapitán StB Václav Mrázek
poručík StB Karel Jonáš
Marta, Šimkova žena
prodavačka v bufetu Linhartová
řidič Stanislav Heran
kapitán Pecha, náčelník StB v Ústí nad Labem
Lange, příslušník výcvikového tábora
inženýr Knapeš
soused Doležal
příslušník StB Benda
příslušník StB Kučera
příslušník StB Sedlák
řidič sanitky
příslušník StB Valenta
vrátný v nemocnici
inženýr Hůrka
vedoucí kina
příslušník VB na motocyklu
vrátný v garážích
lékař v porodnici
dr. Poštolka, pracovník podniku KOVO
příslušník StB Novák
příslušník StB
Otakar Jiříček, Jaroslav Vlk
Vladimír Stárek
Jiří Širc (fotograf)
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín), Orchestr Karla Krautgartnera
Páté oddělení
Páté oddělení
The Fifth Division
featuretheatrical distribution
drama, spy
literary Screenplay approved 10 November 1959
technical Screenplay approved 1 March 1960
start of filming 10 March 1960
end of filming 12 September 1960
projection approval 25 November 1960
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1975
preview 13 January 1961 (kino Sevastopol /1 týden/, Praha)
premiere 20 January 1961 /suitable for youths/ (kina Lucerna /5 týdnů/, Flora /1 týden/, Arbes /1 týden od 27. 1./, Veletrhy /1 týden od 27. 1./, Radost /1 týden od 3. 2./, Svornost /1 týden od 3. 2./, Aero /1 týden od 10. 2./ a Mír /1 týden od 10. 2./, Praha)
premiere 20 January 1961 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)
Tvůrčí skupina Šebor – Bor, Vladimír Bor (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Jiří Šebor (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
89 min
2 525 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
Czech, English, German
Festival: 4. festival českých a slovenských filmů Košice
Košice / Czechoslovakia
Event: Státní ceny za rok 1960
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Československý film
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