After three years of working abroad, Honza Přáda is returning home. He brought back decorations and money for a new car he earned with his good work. The success went to his head and, as soon as he arrived, he had a fight with his friends, who, in the meantime, started competing for the honorary title of the socialist work team. The first evening after his return Honza meets Káťa and the two of them start thinking about getting married soon. Honza is applying to get an apartment but there is a disappointment ahead of him. He can only have a housing cooperative flat but he has to pay for it. Honza refuses to pay and then, after a series of complications with the search for the flat, he gives up the wedding. But Káťa is expecting a baby, and Honza wants to marry her straight away. Only, Káťa has one condition: Honza has to build a small family house with the help of his reconciled friends. Honza agrees but his friends refuse to help him. Honza then starts building on his own but gets back problems from the hard work. At the critical moment, Káťa shows up and without any explanation takes him to the building site. To his surprise, the entire team is working there on his little home.
montér Honza Přáda
Káťa Nováková, Honzova snoubenka
dělník Fabián
jeřábnice Marešová
vrátný internátu, Kátin strýc
dělník Havlík st.
dělník Havlík ml.
vedoucí brigády Duda
dělník Kouba
dělník Růdl
prodavač Novák, Kátin otec
Kátina matka
dělník Vašek
sociální referent
korpulentní žena
malíř pokojů
uniformovaný cestující
lesník ve vlaku
tlustý muž s fíkusem
žoviální muž
průvodčí autobusu
Kátina přítelkyně
vrchní číšník
Koubova žena
zdravotní sestra
stařík ve vlaku
rozhodčí na šachovém turnaji
mladík vycházející z továrny
Jiří Kalina, František Straka
Adolf Široký, Josef Mathauser
FISYO (Music Conducted by Štěpán Koníček)
Song Composer Jára Beneš
Writer of Lyrics Karel TobisVáclav Špilar
Singer František Peterka
Chlap jak hora
Chlap jak hora
A Hefty Fellow
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 11 November 1959
technical Screenplay approved 5 January 1960
start of filming 22 February 1960
end of filming 30 July 1960
projection approval 21 October 1960
withdrawal from distribution 1 April 1966
preview 23 December 1960 (kino Sevastopol /1 týden/, Praha)
premiere 30 December 1960 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Pasáž /3 týdny/, Flora /1 týden/, Revoluce /1 týden/, Eden /½ týdne od 6. 1. 1961/, Varšava /1 týden od 6. 1. 1961/, Radost /1 týden od 13. 1. 1961/ a Svornost /1 týden od 13. 1. 1961/, Praha)
Tvůrčí skupina Brož – Ptáček, Miloš Brož (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Jaromír Ptáček (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
78 min
2 220 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles
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