The railway station kiosk salesman Rezek is making extra profit on various shady deals. So he takes one of the two demijohns of alcohol which the warehouseman Kubíček stole from an abandoned storage tank without realizing that they contained poisonous methyl alcohol. Lorry driver Jan Valena brings Kubíček with the alcohol to the bar ran by Rezek's wife Věra. Věra is unhappy in her marriage with the drunkard and bully Rezek and wants to divorce him, especially now, after she has found her new love in Valena, a widower and father of little Honzík. Rezek offers cheap alcohol to his cronies Málek and Hatina. That same evening, a fight occurs between Rezek and Valena over Věra. Early in the morning, Valena is going to a friend's wedding. Rezek is found heavily wounded on the tracks and dies soon after. An investigation is under way. Valena is suspected of murder, but it is soon discovered that Rezek was not murdered, but that he died of methyl alcohol poisoning. Kubíček also dies, and Málek is blinded. The police officers are searching for Valena, who is taking a three litre demijohn of alcohol, which Kubíček forced on him, to the wedding. The citizens are warned via radio and Valena, still not suspecting anything, is found, and the mass poisoning is prevented. In the meantime, Věra got closer to Honzík, for whom she will soon replace his mother.
poručík VBŽ Václav Hájek
nadporučík VBŽ Bláha
kapitán VB Antonín Drahota
hostinská Věra Rezková
řidič Jan Valena
trafikant Rezek, Věřin muž
skladník Václav Kubíček
staršina VB Bělka
posunovač Jílek
oční lékař MUDr. Ondrášek
opilec Málek
opilec Hatina
cestující ve vlaku
cestující ve vlaku
řidič Véna
Honzík, Valenův syn
major Vojenské správy v Táboře
sekretářka Vojenské správy v Táboře
svatebčan v autě
Voice by Otto Šimánek
strojvůdce Slávek
ženich Rudolf Štíbr
předseda MNV
Hájkova žena
Cilka, dcera Hájkových
posunovač kupující si cigarety
host v hospodě
harmonikář Franta
náčelník stanice
zdravotní sestra
pokladník na železnici
staršina VB
laborant Vojta
cestující ve vlaku
ženich u fotografa
Kubíčkova bytná
Jordan Balurov
Josef Bouček, Miroslav Kratochvíl, Lubor Pok, Ladislav Rychman, Vladimír Valenta
Miroslav Kratochvíl (Demižón – rozhlasová hra), Lubor Pok (Demižón – rozhlasová hra)
Josef Bouček, Miroslav Kratochvíl, Lubor Pok, Ladislav Rychman, Vladimír Valenta, Jiří Brdečka (dialogy)
Jaroslav Kupšík
Jiří Cvrček, Vladimír Mácha, Jan Vrňata
Vladimír Vojta, Karel Prchal
pplk.VB Bořivoj Ambler
FISYO (Music Conducted by Štěpán Koníček)
Černá sobota
Černá sobota
A Black Saturday
featuretheatrical distribution
detective, crime
literary Screenplay approved 7 October 1959
technical Screenplay approved 5 April 1960
start of filming 19 April 1960
end of filming 4 August 1960
projection approval 7 October 1960
withdrawal from distribution 1 April 1966
premiere 6 January 1961 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)
preview 6 January 1961 (kino Sevastopol /1 týden/, Praha)
premiere 13 January 1961 /suitable for youths/ (kina Metro /3 týdny/, Flora /1 týden/ a Arbes /1 týden od 20. 1./, Praha)
Tvůrčí skupina Šebor – Bor, Vladimír Bor (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Jiří Šebor (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
70 min
1 986 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles
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