Jan Bernard reports to the district police department that his wife Hilda did not return from visiting her sister in East Berlin. For young investigator Tereza Machátová, this is the first serious case; she was hitherto responsible only for petty crime and juvenile delinquents. The testimonies given by neighbours, relatives, acquaintances and Bernard's colleagues gradually begin to constitute the complete image of the events preceding Hilda's disappearance. At the same time, Bernard was to leave for a business trip to Italy, but the trip was cancelled for business reasons. Tereza's superior, Captain Landa, who trusts Bernard far less than does the young investigator, suspects him of planning emigration - for it seems that Hilda has illegally crossed the border to West Germany. The marriage of the Bernards was not happy; Bernard even had a lover, Gita, who is now possibly in Slovakia. The body of a violently murdered woman is found in the river. The criminologists gradually begin to reveal discrepancies as well as intentional lies in Bernard's testimonies. The victim of the murder is identified as Hilda. Under the weight of evidence, Bernard confesses to his crime. His lover Gita left the country on Hilda's documents and is already in the West. Bernard murdered Hilda shortly before her departure when she began to miss her passport and wanted to report the loss to the police. Due to the cancellation of the business trip, his planned escape failed. Captain Landa arrests the murderer.
podporučík VB Tereza Machátová
Jan Bernard, referent Čechofrachtu
kapitán VB Landa
malíř Karel Holman
major VB Záruba
Hilda, Bernardova žena
Gita Viláryová, Bernardova milenka
Švarc, bývalý kriminálník
Eibichová, Bernardova tchyně
Eibich, Bernardův tchán
Irenka, dcera Bernardových
kadeřnice Liduška
Landova sekretářka
Machátová, Terezina matka
Vašek, Terezin kamarád
Helena, Terezina kamarádka
Petr Kyncl, vyšetřovaný chlapec
Kynclova matka
Jarmila Nováková, Bernardova kolegyně
referent, Bernardův kolega
číšnice Marta
železničář Beneš, soused Bernardových
Benešova žena
MUDr. Koulová
referent, Bernardův kolega
překupník Nečásek
klavíristka Fialová, svědkyně
úředník na poště
hlídka VB
Eliška Vojtová, Pavel Horák, Pavel Brezina
Anna Sedlmayerová (Pomozte mi, Terezo! – román)
Jaromír Dědek, Vladimír Mácha
Zdeňka Černá, Karel Prchal, Vladimír Vojta
mjr. VB Zdeněk Skácel
J. Knapová (klapka)
FISYO (Music Conducted by Štěpán Koníček)
featuretheatrical distribution
drama, crime
literary Screenplay approved 31 August 1960
technical Screenplay approved 10 March 1961
start of filming 17 April 1961
end of filming 22 July 1961
projection approval 25 September 1961
withdrawal from distribution 30 September 1976
preview 24 November 1961 (kino Sevastopol /1 týden/, Praha)
premiere 1 December 1961 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Metro /2 týdny/, Arbes /1 týden/, Radost /1 týden od 8. 12./ a Vesna /1 týden od 8. 12./, Praha)
premiere 1 December 1961 /inaccessible for youths/ (celostátní)
Tvůrčí skupina Šebor – Bor, Vladimír Bor (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Jiří Šebor (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
75 min
2 140 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles